05-17-2010, 12:28 PM
Donated Plasma
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 18,556
Re: LT accused of rape (Lawrence Taylor)
Originally Posted by saintpaul25
Ah ha. Let this be a lesson to all of you who jumped on LT's lynch mob, before the case played out. Not saying guilty, or innocent, either way. I will wait for all of the facts. And really, since chances are, I won't be on the jury, then it's not my place to judge him anyway.
+1...again. It is the oldest profession in the world, for a reason. I'm just not going to judge, which doesn't mean I don't have an opinion, but rather it means I recognize that it is just that - an opinion.
When the facts are clear I think it is likely the only thing LT will be guilty of is paying for sex, and if that proves to be true than he just did it in the wrong state. Legislating morality is a horribly slippery slope ya'll...