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xan 04-29-2013 01:23 PM

The NO TEBOW zone
If any of you think that Tim Tebow deserves a shot on the Saints' roster, so help me I'll pour Tabasco sauce in your sports undergarments until your genetic traits can't be passed on.

Unless someone has a legitimate argument.... Hah!

Seer1 04-29-2013 01:26 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
What he said! And that's even if you do have a "legitimate" argument!

|Mitch| 04-29-2013 01:38 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
Absolutely not!

His best option is to go play a couple years in the CFL...

TheOak 04-29-2013 01:40 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
Back up for Jed..

Jamessr 04-29-2013 01:43 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
Not even a back up running back/TE
He isn't durable

TheOak 04-29-2013 01:46 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by Jamessr (Post 499604)
Not even a back up running back/TE
He isn't durable


Only injury he has had in the NFL as far as i can remember are broken ribs... That is not a long term issue, and with rib pads you can still play with broken ribs.. Hurts like hell but you can play.

arsaint 04-29-2013 01:50 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
FB/TE/ST is his future in the NFL - if he has one at all.

saintsfan403 04-29-2013 01:51 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
I still can't believe that tebow as a bronco has more postseason wins than Peyton as a bronco.

Danno 04-29-2013 01:52 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by xan (Post 499594)
If any of you think that Tim Tebow deserves a shot on the Saints' roster, so help me I'll pour Tabasco sauce in your sports undergarments until your genetic traits can't be passed on.

Unless someone has a legitimate argument.... Hah!

I have a deal for you. I'll only post about Tim Tebow when someone posts misinformation about Roman Harper.:drink:

|Mitch| 04-29-2013 01:53 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by arsaint (Post 499609)
FB/TE/ST is his future in the NFL - if he has one at all.

He's already said that he won't play any position other than QB; that's why he's going to have to prove himself in the CFL.

Pull a Doug Flutie...

TheOak 04-29-2013 02:04 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by |Mitch| (Post 499612)
He's already said that he won't play any position other than QB; that's why he's going to have to prove himself in the CFL.

Pull a Doug Flutie...

Well if he said that let him write for ESPN.

Rugby Saint II 04-29-2013 02:15 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by xan (Post 499594)
If any of you think that Tim Tebow deserves a shot on the Saints' roster, so help me I'll pour Tabasco sauce in your sports undergarments until your genetic traits can't be passed on.

Unless someone has a legitimate argument.... Hah!

I'm in for a case of Tabasco.

73Saint 04-29-2013 02:20 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
C'mon, just think about it...Tebow in a Saints jersey. It's a match made in heaven!! (kidding)

neugey 04-29-2013 02:33 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
I already spoke my peace before. Nothing new to say about Tebow that hasn't already been said.

TheOak 04-29-2013 02:40 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
Wonders why a Tebow thread would be started to stop talking about Tebow..


lee909 04-29-2013 02:51 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
I made a point about him on a thread about his release on the NFL section.
I stand by that point

Jamessr 04-29-2013 03:04 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by TheOak (Post 499607)

Only injury he has had in the NFL as far as i can remember are broken ribs... That is not a long term issue, and with rib pads you can still play with broken ribs.. Hurts like hell but you can play.

6-8 Games in as starting QB in Denver and a handful of plays in New York.
I honestly don't think he can last an entire season as a running back.

LOL you prove he can :)
It's all opinions at this point.

TheOak 04-29-2013 03:07 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by Jamessr (Post 499641)
6-8 Games in as starting QB in Denver and a handful of plays in New York.
I honestly don't think he can last an entire season as a running back.

LOL you prove he can :)
It's all opinions at this point.

4 years in Florida averaging more yards per year than any of our running backs..

No injuries that I am aware of.

TheOak 04-29-2013 03:08 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
Tebow's durability has been amazing - SEC Blog - ESPN

Jamessr 04-29-2013 03:11 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
College isn't the NFL

Tobias-Reiper 04-29-2013 03:11 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
Make it happen, Loomis!

TheOak 04-29-2013 03:14 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by Jamessr (Post 499646)
College isn't the NFL

Your reaching now

Jamessr 04-29-2013 03:17 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
Oh I'm sorry for disagreeing with you Oak.
Won't happen again

lee909 04-29-2013 03:19 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by Tobias-Reiper (Post 499647)


|Mitch| 04-29-2013 03:23 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
In all seriousness, he'd probably be a pretty decent weapon for Sean at the FB spot...

Think of Sproles and Tebow both running screens to opposite sides of the field or something... lol

But; I still wouldn't want him...

D_it_up 04-29-2013 03:26 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
1 Attachment(s)
Cracked me up.

halloween 65 04-29-2013 03:33 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
If I were Payton I would bring him in and work on his mechanics, Payton does wonders and I would rather have a guy like Tebow than Wallace as a vet back-up any day. Tebow won at Denver, it may not have been pretty but he got them to the playoffs. I'll take ugly over losing any day of the week.

TheOak 04-29-2013 04:08 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by Jamessr (Post 499651)
Oh I'm sorry for disagreeing with you Oak.
Won't happen again

No need for apology....

You are not disagreeing with me. I'm disagreeing with you. :-)

I assumed that escaping 4 years of punishment in the SEC, and 3 years in the NFL with 122 carries in 2011(more carries than most of Pierre Thomas seasons, same as Ingram in 2011) would be a good reference for durability.

I'm curious.
How do you access durability? How do scouts access durability before the draft?

AllSaints 04-29-2013 04:09 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
I wish TEBOW would just quit already ! He is not a nfl qb ! The end

hagan714 04-29-2013 04:11 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone
last thing we need is the national media parked in front of training camp crapping all over the place

TheOak 04-29-2013 04:23 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 499672)
last thing we need is the national media parked in front of training camp crapping all over the place

Pigeons with pencils

D_it_up 04-29-2013 04:30 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone

Originally Posted by hagan714 (Post 499672)
last thing we need is the national media parked in front of training camp crapping all over the place

And Skip Bayless actually giving a crap about the Saints.

TheEnigma 04-29-2013 04:54 PM

Rumor (I hope this is not true) Tebow will visit Saints
Radio Station in Florida confirms Tebow knew of release and already has a visit scheduled with The Saints

Radio Station in Florida has been talking about Tebow's release from NY and has confirmed through a close personal friend of his that he's been in contact with the New Orleans Saints..

Not a bad gig for him, he can sit behind Brees and learn a bit, if Brees goes down then it's Tebow Time in New Orleans

Radio Station in Florida confirms Tebow knew of release and already has a visit scheduled with The Saints... : nfl

halloween 65 04-29-2013 04:56 PM

Re: Rumor (I hope this is not true) Tebow will visit Saints
I would like him here.

ChrisXVI 04-29-2013 04:59 PM

Re: Rumor (I hope this is not true) Tebow will visit Saints
Practice squad at the most. Ryan Griffin is already a better option as Drew's backup than Tebow.

cars4dylan 04-29-2013 05:09 PM

Re: Rumor (I hope this is not true) Tebow will visit Saints
If he drops his delusional dream that he is a QB and becomes a Hback ala Chris Cooley. I always thought is was dumb for any coordinator to tell anyone what they are doing with a unique player.

There is no need to mention the wildcat, put him in the backfield and let him cause D-Coords fits by trying to figure out what he's doing. Run him down their throats when they're looking pass and spook them with the fake option. But for heaven's sake don't let him throw the ball unless it's overtime and NO ONE is expecting him to throw the ball.

homerj07 04-29-2013 05:12 PM

Re: Rumor (I hope this is not true) Tebow will visit Saints
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! God no - please no

TheOak 04-29-2013 05:15 PM

Re: Rumor (I hope this is not true) Tebow will visit Saints
We have zero depth at FB, and give him a run at TE, or ST.

While I am no fan of the media that follows him. Becoming known as the only team that had enough sense to use Tim as fit for purpose and not try to create some quasi version of an NFL QB has a ring to it.

Make the Bronco's and Jet's organizations look like the inferiors to Payton/Loomis that they are.

homerj07 04-29-2013 05:15 PM

Re: The NO TEBOW zone


WhoDat!656 04-29-2013 05:17 PM

Re: Rumor (I hope this is not true) Tebow will visit Saints
The Steelers believe he is a QB!

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