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Michael Sam comes out, An openly gay player very likely to be drafted

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Old 02-11-2014, 02:00 PM   #41
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Re: Michael Sam comes out, An openly gay player very likely to be drafted


I my best South Boston accent:

"YO! Youre like, wicked smaaht!"
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Old 02-11-2014, 09:39 PM   #42
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Re: Michael Sam comes out, An openly gay player very likely to be drafted

Originally Posted by TheOak View Post
Lets not go neck deep into the assumption pool. I never made one comment about blame for Maccondo. I know what caused it, and I know what it caused.

Idealists and activists go hand in hand but are not always understanding of the impact of what they do. Your ideals are hurting the people in your community, not BP. While I am sure it is unintentional your hurting the working man and not the Corporation.

In 2008 BP began the exit of the outright ownership of BP gas stations, at that time it owned maybe 100 of the 1000 BP gas stations in operation. Meaning that BP gas station you drive by is owned by a small business man in your community... ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips did the same thing. When you boycott a gas station in your city you are doing absolutely nothing to BP, you are however doing a grave injustice to the John Smith that owns that convince store/gas station and is trying to make a living providing a service and a product to your community.

Are you avoiding BP gasoline by avoiding BP gas stations? Nope. Distributors buy gasoline from wholesale refiners that refine oil from many different suppliers and sell it to many different distributors. Meaning you have as much of a chance of buying gasoline refined from BP oil at a Valero as you do a BP gas station.

You see, oil is oil and it all goes to the same refineries. At those refineries it is processed into different grades of gasoline and diesel. From there it goes to distribution companies where additives are added and then it is sold to retail gas stations.

So when you see... never mind I will make it easy. Can you name 151 different gasoline brands?
Category:Oil companies of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ironic isn't it that you try to hurt thousands in your community for the transgressions of a select group of no more than seven people that endangered the lively hood of hundreds of thousands and drive past a BP station burning gas that has been refined from BP oil. BTW, that very small select group of engineers and middle management level employees did what they did with out the knowledge of upper level executives.

And here we are nearly 3 years after Maccondo, I am telling you this not because it has any effect on me what so ever, but because the business owners in your community that support it do not deserve to be persecuted for something they had nothing to do with. You may want to give the owners of those CFA's a break also, those restaurants are not owned by CFA, they are franchises owned by people that live in your community that woke up shocked by the same press release you did, and CFA isn't hurt by your drive by.
Let's start with my personal spending habits 'hurting thousands in my community', misguided hyperbole that it is. I still buy gas in my community, just not at BP. I still buy food from local businesses.

Next, BP and CFA take in revenue via initial franchise fees and an ongoing percentage of sales, generally around 4-5%. Franchises also must buy logo-ed disposables and paper products from, yes, a subsidiary of the franchisor. they also pay a marketing fee, which goes directly to the franchisor's advertising budget.
Are they missing my $15 bucks a week? No, but it is naive to think that there is no impact on the parent company. BP's market cap is down almost 20% since April 2010---30 billion dollars.

As for CFA owners being shocked by a press release, come on, we both know you are a lot smarter than that. First, Dan Cathy is not going to grant a franchise to anyone that doesn't share his ideals. Second, very few CFA owners are minorities or women, and unless they live in caves, they see what is going on. The CFA franchisees weren't shocked, they were ecstatic: the press release led to a sales boon. CFA had a record sales year as supporters rallied behind the company's now very public anti-gay stance.
Since you are chastising me, do you also have issue with these people "hurting thousands in their community" by patronizing CFA more and other local restaurants less?
Probably not, and neither do I.
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Old 02-11-2014, 11:20 PM   #43
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Re: Michael Sam comes out, An openly gay player very likely to be drafted

Originally Posted by ScottF View Post
um, 36 states, the Federal government (DOMA), Chick-fil-a, Urban Oufitters, Putin, Ahmadinejad, the Boy Scouts, and high school jocks everywhere

Do you seriously believe you are more persecuted for your beliefs than a gay person is for their lifestyle?

and by 'anymore', do you mean that the persecution should continue?
All those groups and/or states that you just mentioned have taken personal stance, just as I do, and that is in no way persecuting them. They are not being denied service at chik-fil-a or any other place. And 36 states that oppose gay marriage are trying to protect something that used to be sacred and not intended for same sex relationships.

The whole reason for marriage comes from the Bible. So if you're a non believer and you want to, in essence, give the word of God the middle finger, then you have no reason to be married. Just live together, and do whatever it is you want to do.

Now as far as foreign countries, don't even bother going there. Christians, females (regardless of beliefs) gays, jews, all get murdered all the time. You're talking about brutal dictatorships. Let's not compare them to our country. You're embarrassing yourself with that one.

And as for your question, I don't consider myself persecuted. I used the word pressure. People like me can get fired from our jobs for saying something as simple as "I think homosexuality is wrong" out loud where someone who disagrees with me might complain. But if that same person were to call me a bigot for my beliefs, nothing would happen to that person. Because heaven forbid we upset a homosexual and have it blow up all over the news about how "intolerent" this person's boss is. It blows up just that quick, and you see it on tv just about every day now.

And why did I say "anymore"? I can't believe I have to explain this, but I'll humor you. Because whereas this country used to take a moral stand (and yes, there was also a greater number of radicals who hated gays rather than simply disagreeing with them) it now praises people for their "courage" and practically forces others to do the same. So there really isn't persecution "anymore". You may have a few isolated incidents, but for every issue involving a gay person there is one for every other person or culture nowadays.
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If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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Old 02-11-2014, 11:32 PM   #44
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Re: Michael Sam comes out, An openly gay player very likely to be drafted

Originally Posted by ScottF View Post
but what they are, is discriminated against, just like the black community you mention
Scott, are you certain you know what discrimination is? Let me use an analogy. I know from arguments on the political forum that you are a liberal, and you may remember that I am a conservative. In other words, we disagree with each other's beliefs. Are we discriminating against each other, then?

There are no companies or restaurants who are shutting their doors to gays. They simply do not support the gay rights movement as many of them are christian organizations, as Sapper has pointed out. There is no comparison between that and someone burning down your house because they "don't like your kind". No what I mean?
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If I had a nickel for every time I heard that, the NFL would fine and suspend me.
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Old 02-13-2014, 01:33 PM   #45
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Re: Michael Sam comes out, An openly gay player very likely to be drafted

Originally Posted by burningmetal View Post
Scott, are you certain you know what discrimination is? Let me use an analogy. I know from arguments on the political forum that you are a liberal, and you may remember that I am a conservative. In other words, we disagree with each other's beliefs. Are we discriminating against each other, then?

There are no companies or restaurants who are shutting their doors to gays. They simply do not support the gay rights movement as many of them are christian organizations, as Sapper has pointed out. There is no comparison between that and someone burning down your house because they "don't like your kind". No what I mean?
I never said restaurants were denying service. In fact, I said the exact opposite in regards to customers.

Chick-fil-a is anti-gay. Dan Cathy has publicly stated that. The company has contributed to anti-gay groups. That is documented. But you guys come at me like this is just my opinion, when the company in question has OPENLY STATED IT.

Here is their statement of their policies moving forward, as in, 'we didn't do this before, but...'

Chick-fil-A has "ceased donating to organizations that promote discrimination , specifically against LGBT civil rights." According to the TCRA, Chick-fil-A officials stated in an internal document that they " will treat every person equally, regardless of sexual orientation."

So, they have CEASED supporting groups that discriminate, and now WILL treat everyone equally (future tense)

Yes, I do know what discrimination is, especially when it is documented so clearly.

You patronize the businesses you want, and I'll do the same. I'm thinking that is granted to us somewhere in the constitution.
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Old 02-13-2014, 02:48 PM   #46
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Re: Michael Sam comes out, An openly gay player very likely to be drafted

Originally Posted by ScottF View Post

You patronize the businesses you want, and I'll do the same. I'm thinking that is granted to us somewhere in the constitution.
That would be the First Amendment, that governs expression and speech. It also encompasses religious beliefs. Which is what Dan Cathy was practicing.

He does seem to be being discriminated against based on his Southern Baptist beliefs.

Interesting how there is support for ones freedom to express being gay but not another freedom to express his religion.


Last edited by TheOak; 02-13-2014 at 02:51 PM..
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Old 02-13-2014, 04:56 PM   #47
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Re: Michael Sam comes out, An openly gay player very likely to be drafted

Originally Posted by burningmetal View Post
All those groups and/or states that you just mentioned have taken personal stance, just as I do, and that is in no way persecuting them. They are not being denied service at chik-fil-a or any other place. And 36 states that oppose gay marriage are trying to protect something that used to be sacred and not intended for same sex relationships.

state and federal governments do not take personal stances

The whole reason for marriage comes from the Bible. So if you're a non believer and you want to, in essence, give the word of God the middle finger, then you have no reason to be married. Just live together, and do whatever it is you want to do.

In the bible many men (Esau, Gideon, etc) had multiple wives. Were these bonds also sacred?
And what of the cultures that did not have access to a bible until the Romans showed up or a thousand years later, the missionaries? These ancient cultures had marriages, ceremonies, titles...Were they not married?

Now as far as foreign countries, don't even bother going there. Christians, females (regardless of beliefs) gays , jews, all get murdered all the time. You're talking about brutal dictatorships. Let's not compare them to our country. You're embarrassing yourself with that one.

I am embarrassing myself? You proved my point

And as for your question, I don't consider myself persecuted. I used the word pressure. People like me can get fired from our jobs for saying something as simple as "I think homosexuality is wrong" out loud where someone who disagrees with me might complain. But if that same person were to call me a bigot for my beliefs, nothing would happen to that person. Because heaven forbid we upset a homosexual and have it blow up all over the news about how "intolerent" this person's boss is. It blows up just that quick, and you see it on tv just about every day now.

And why did I say "anymore"? I can't believe I have to explain this, but I'll humor you. Because whereas this country used to take a moral stand (and yes, there was also a greater number of radicals who hated gays rather than simply disagreeing with them) it now praises people for their "courage" and practically forces others to do the same. So there really isn't persecution "anymore". You may have a few isolated incidents, but for every issue involving a gay person there is one for every other person or culture nowadays.
If you truly believe the gay/ lesbian community isn't persecuted every hour, every day, and there are only 'isolated incidents' in our country...I have no response to that.
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Old 02-15-2014, 07:58 AM   #48
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Re: Michael Sam comes out, An openly gay player very likely to be drafted

Just jumping in here and I have read the posts, the guy is gay. He said. No future shock or story for any team that should take him. No scandal. He took all of that away. No money story.

Lots of people have gay cowokers, family, friends, neighbors, etc.
God created these people as they are.

I do not think any NFL fan or team cares if he is hired as long as he can play.
The NFL , of all places, cannot for pr reasons , cannot be critical of the guy because he has not raped, killed, had DUI, dog fights, baby mama drama and more. he is gay. Whether or not he is drafted or can be in the NFL all depends if he can play ball.
Opposite situation, Tim Tebow. Many still want to say poor Timmy Tebow was taken out of the NFL by Liberals and Devils and goodness knows what because he was CHRISTIAN.
No, he had no team wanting him and wanting him as starting qb because he was simply not that good. Period.
The Late Reggie White was Christian and talked his beliefs. Russell Wilson is Christian and talks up his beliefs. Many others.
I think it ok to assume the Mannings have strong Christian beliefs. They do not talk it up . Oh, they can play that football.

All people care about is if the guy can play football.

Mr. Cathy of CFA. This is really BS ..."Oh , he does not want gay people at his places or hire gay people or have gay franchise owners....
That story. He has his beliefs and can have them as we all can.
He can and cannot award a CFA, his business, to people who share his beliefs or who are straight. What do you think, he has them pledge under oath or something? LOL!! Sign stuff like that? You cannot do that.
There are US Civil Rights that trump him.
How would he know if they are gay or straight?
Are they selling gay sandwiches? Are they selling gay propaganda? Gay flags? Have gay family night?
No. No. No.
If someone meets all the finanical means, background checks, etc. to buy a CFA franchise, I am sure they can get one.
Mr. Cathy cannot ask anyone to pledge to be anti-gay or ask if they are gay. No CFA applications for the cashier to the fries guy to the manager asks people if they are gay. Support gay rights? Belong to a Christian Chruch, preferably Protestant? Etc.

Ones' personal life is just that and has nothing to do with the work place whatever you are.
Ones' personal life is personal and should be kept personal whether you are gay or straight.
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Old 02-15-2014, 02:03 PM   #49
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Re: Michael Sam comes out, An openly gay player very likely to be drafted

Originally Posted by OldMaid View Post

All people care about is if the guy can play football.
If this were true, this wouldn't be a story. He'd be a projected mid round pick as are a couple hundred other guys.
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Old 02-15-2014, 02:37 PM   #50
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Re: Michael Sam comes out, An openly gay player very likely to be drafted

All that should matter is if he can pound the guy in front of him or squirt through that line.

Really if you think about it... only 10% of gays are the wrong sex trapped in the wrong body. The rest.... got sucked into it.
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