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rezburna 08-13-2018 12:12 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 808142)
Just so we're clear, I don't bear you any ill will. Even though we disagree, and even though I do think you're kind of a racist, I don't think you're a bad guy. And I realize that at this point I've probably made you angry, and you could care less about whether I think you're "good" or "bad" but I feel it's important to clarify.

I’m not mad at all. I’m passionate. I been Black my whole life. These conversations have always been unavoidable for me.

Good and bad is subjective and I’m completely aware of that. A large portion of my community champions my school of thought. Most of the White community doesn’t. Isn’t the first time we disagreed.

When these protests first started a doctor told me and a Black coworker that Thomas Jefferson owning slaves didn’t make him a bad person after going on a rant about disrespect.

I’m not mad at any of you. I expect these opinions and no longer have the desire to change them. I started on this forum 5 years ago at the age of 22. I tried convincing everybody for years that things are engineered to be this way. That’s dead, and it’s not personal.

frydaddy 08-13-2018 12:19 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808141)
I知 not begging you or your community for anything. I知 telling you I知 coming to get it and when I do just remember there were people who asked nicely first.

You could hate Black people, Muslims, or Hispanics. It wouldn稚 matter to me. I知 not here to convince you to think one way or the other. I知 here to tell you I知 coming, and you can experience the way the world is when it痴 made in my image.

Well man, I'm sorry you feel that way. That's an unfortunate outlook, and one that is doomed to fail. Sounds an awful lot like the words of some real evil folks throughout history. Didn't work out well for them, won't work out well for you. Again, not saying you're evil, but you seem to be setting yourself on a certain path that doesn't lead to anything good. One day you'll see that. I hope for your sake that that day comes while you're still breathing. We're all gonna face judgement on the other side eventually, and it'll be too late to change course when you're standing before God. And yes, I know from some of your past posts that you don't believe in the "abrahamic God" but that will change one day too, one way or another.

rezburna 08-13-2018 12:24 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 808144)
Well man, I'm sorry you feel that way. That's an unfortunate outlook, and one that is doomed to fail. Sounds an awful lot like the words of some real evil folks throughout history. Didn't work out well for them, won't work out well for you. Again, not saying you're evil, but you seem to be setting yourself on a certain path that doesn't lead to anything good. One day you'll see that. I hope for your sake that that day comes while you're still breathing. We're all gonna face judgement on the other side eventually, and it'll be too late to change course when you're standing before God. And yes, I know from some of your past posts that you don't believe in the "abrahamic God" but that will change one day too, one way or another.

We値l see.

vpheughan 08-13-2018 01:38 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
Don’t be so arrogant as to tell me what I do and don’t understand. You don’t know me.

saintfan 08-13-2018 01:41 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808118)
Tell your grandfather I said hello. And my respects to your grandmother.

We€™ll see. *セエキ*シソス*™‚ク

Part of your problem is you want to punish people now for sins for which they had no part. Sarcasm duly noted. When you can make a point that doesn稚 reference the color of a mans skin we can get somewhere. Until then you keep on believing what you believe. People (black and white) died for that right...or maybe only just for us white folk?

saintfan 08-13-2018 01:44 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808122)
You don稚 know what racism is.

But you do. You see it everywhere. You can tell Him what he doesn稚 know but how dare I or anyone else suggest you might not know it all? I don稚 think hypocrisy has a color...

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:07 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808152)
But you do. You see it everywhere. You can tell Him what he doesn稚 know but how dare I or anyone else suggest you might not know it all? I don稚 think hypocrisy has a color...

On the contrary. I am arrogant, and I do know more than all of you on the subject. Take that how you want.

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:17 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808151)
Part of your problem is you want to punish people now for sins for which they had no part. Sarcasm duly noted. When you can make a point that doesn’t reference the color of a mans skin we can get somewhere. Until then you keep on believing what you believe. People (black and white) died for that right...or maybe only just for us white folk?

The main problem is people are being punished today in conjunction with suffering for sins of which they had no part of, and you say one thing behind closed doors claiming to be some indifferent, ally but then you switch up in the public forum. I call that wishy washy.

Y’all continue to reference The Abrahamic version of God, and that’s cool. That God has taken real good care of your people for a few centuries, but he sits back why mine pray to him everyday and continue to suffer. Y’all can have that God. It amuses me. You’re convinced a man is sitting in the clouds counting your good and bad deeds like Santa Claus but you look at us with skepticism and scoff at an entire diaspora that tells you they’re going through something serious in a country that’s ENTIRE history along with current socioeconomic studies back up such claims. approach me knowing all this because we’ve talked about it before, and you want me to grab your hand and take a leap of good faith. Based on what? Because you say you’re colorblind and judge people on the content of their character? That MLK ****? Lol.

Don’t talk about race when the foundation of the protests are race? Stop it. You don’t give a **** about Black people. You just don’t want White people to be the blame...because you’re colorblind until the word White gets thrown out there. Then you finally remember, oh yeah, that’s me. Let ME defend ME.

saintfan 08-13-2018 02:23 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808155)
On the contrary. I am arrogant, and I do know more than all of you on the subject. Take that how you want.

You are arrogant. No doubt.

You don't know half of what you think you know because you don't consult the other half. That's the problem with you and a lot of other people just like you. Every word you type I've heard before, almost word for word. That's indoctrination. That is not education.

Here, thought is the tell all question regarding your "knowledge"?

Are you a racist?

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:28 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808158)
You are arrogant. No doubt.

You don't know half of what you think you know because you don't consult the other half. That's the problem with you and a lot of other people just like you. Every word you type I've heard before, almost word for word. That's indoctrination. That is not education.

Here, thought is the tell all question regarding your "knowledge"?

Are you a racist?

I live in America. The opinions and thoughts of White people shape my reality. You think I just started having these discussions when I joined the forum? I was in gifted as early as I could qualify for it. My life has been dominated by White thought. If anything, I should be indoctrinated into intense, Conservatism.

I’m Pro-Black. I’m Pan-Afrikan. I’m a revolutionary. Call that whatever you want. It makes no difference to me.

Beastmode 08-13-2018 02:29 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808157)
The main problem is people are being punished today in conjunction with suffering for sins of which they had no part of, and you say one thing behind closed doors claiming to be some indifferent, ally but then you switch up in the public forum. I call that wishy washy.

Y誕ll continue to reference The Abrahamic version of God, and that痴 cool. That God has taken real good care of your people for a few centuries, but he sits back why mine pray to him everyday and continue to suffer. Y誕ll can have that God. It amuses me. You池e convinced a man is sitting in the clouds counting your good and bad deeds like Santa Claus but you look at us with skepticism and scoff at an entire diaspora that tells you they池e going through something serious in a country that痴 ENTIRE history along with current socioeconomic studies back up such claims. approach me knowing all this because we致e talked about it before, and you want me to grab your hand and take a leap of good faith. Based on what? Because you say you池e colorblind and judge people on the content of their character? That MLK ****? Lol.

Don稚 talk about race when the foundation of the protests are race? Stop it. You don稚 give a **** about Black people. You just don稚 want White people to be the blame...because you池e colorblind until the word White gets thrown out there. Then you finally remember, oh yeah, that痴 me. Let ME defend ME.

Is this Baltimore cop "your people"?

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:30 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 808161)
Is this Baltimore cop "your people"?

He痴 a traitor to his people and he deserves to be dealt with in the same fashion nations deal with those who commit treason. He disgusts me.

iceshack149 08-13-2018 02:30 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808106)

Those will be the two silliest things I will read all day.

Then this:

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808109)
Yeah. Y誕ll. Seriously.

I don稚 care what you do or don稚 like. You won稚 stop it just like your ancestors didn稚 stop the Civil Rights Marches when they were whining about that. So no, I知 not 鍍rying to do anything. I知 making a direct comparison in the dismissive nature shown throughout history when Black people air out their grievances. It痴 about race, and it痴 always been about race, considering the protests were sparked by Black men being killed by the police and a call for reform in the justice system.

You should be thankful for a Kap, Cam Jordan, and Malcolm Jenkins. At least they池e still interested in talking it out. I suggest you find common ground and figure it out with people willing to rationalize with you. I知 not one of those people. I don稚 agree with the protests, because I don稚 believe in asking your oppressor to stop oppressing you. I just find most y誕lls reasons for being against them disingenuous, and I speak to that. Y誕ll can debate amongst yourselves about 努ho the real oppressor is, but you値l only be convincing yourselves.

的f you beg a man for victory and he gives it to you it痴 his, not yours. - Stokely Carmichael


Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808131)
Go ask Kap what he wants. He値l tell you police reform and social programs to help disadvantaged communities, especially Black ones. The rest of the NFL players will echo the sentiment.

Ask me what I want. The throne. I want it all.

My advice? Better learn to deal with Kap and friends before they become me.


Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808141)
I don稚 complain about it at all. I知 not Kap. I知 not protesting oppression. A protest is merely an aggressive form of begging. I知 not begging you or your community for anything. I知 telling you I知 coming to get it and when I do just remember there were people who asked nicely first.

You could hate Black people, Muslims, or Hispanics. It wouldn稚 matter to me. I知 not here to convince you to think one way or the other. I知 here to tell you I知 coming, and you can experience the way the world is when it痴 made in my image.

Get out the way or get rolled over. Simple.

Too much rap music. You are brainwashed, kid.
I don't find your hatred amusing anymore. It sounds like you're on a mission to fight an imaginary enemy and harm innocent people along the way.

As a fellow human I implore you, please reconsider your hatred for others based on their skin color or ideology.

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:31 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 808164)
Then this:

Too much rap music. You are brainwashed, kid.
I don't find your hatred amusing anymore. It sounds like you're on a mission to fight an imaginary enemy and harm innocent people along the way.

As a fellow human I implore you, please reconsider your hatred for others based on their skin color or ideology.

Thanks for the advice kid. I implore you to mind your business.

saintfan 08-13-2018 02:39 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808157)
The main problem is people are being punished today in conjunction with suffering for sins of which they had no part of, and you say one thing behind closed doors claiming to be some indifferent, ally but then you switch up in the public forum. I call that wishy washy.

Y誕ll continue to reference The Abrahamic version of God, and that痴 cool. That God has taken real good care of your people for a few centuries, but he sits back why mine pray to him everyday and continue to suffer. Y誕ll can have that God. It amuses me. You池e convinced a man is sitting in the clouds counting your good and bad deeds like Santa Claus but you look at us with skepticism and scoff at an entire diaspora that tells you they池e going through something serious in a country that痴 ENTIRE history along with current socioeconomic studies back up such claims. approach me knowing all this because we致e talked about it before, and you want me to grab your hand and take a leap of good faith. Based on what? Because you say you池e colorblind and judge people on the content of their character? That MLK ****? Lol.

Don稚 talk about race when the foundation of the protests are race? Stop it. You don稚 give a **** about Black people. You just don稚 want White people to be the blame...because you池e colorblind until the word White gets thrown out there. Then you finally remember, oh yeah, that痴 me. Let ME defend ME.

Do you think that because you are black that suffering is unique to you somehow? You're self-proclaimed arrogant, but are you really THAT arrogant? Making such a claim while professing your vast knowledge on the subject makes you look like an idiot.

The foundations of the protest are a QB who was benched, found a racist radio host and got hooked on her and let her destroy his career.

The difference between you and me is that I give a **** about ALL people, and just as I told you before, people have to learn to respect one another. You can never do that in parallel to blaming the white man. I am open enough with you to acknowledge racism and to respect your views, up to a point to be sure, on the matter.

What, if anything, do you know about white slaves? Narry as much as the black ones I bet.

All that 60 garbage you quote was mostly just that. But you only know parts of that history - the parts that line up with what you want to believe. Rock on. The biggest racist on this forum, right now, is you. That doesn't change a single thing about my opinion or anything I told you in private.

The land grab still isn't going to happen here. Keep on dreamin'.

iceshack149 08-13-2018 02:39 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808167)
Thanks for the advice kid. I implore you to mind your business.

So you make your divisive protests clear on this public forum and ask me to mind my own business?

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:40 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 808171)
So you make your divisive protests clear on this public forum and ask me to mind my own business?

Why yes, that痴 exactly what I知 doing.

saintfan 08-13-2018 02:41 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808172)
Why yes, that痴 exactly what I知 doing.

And of course you offer no explanation. Is that because you don't have one, or because you're black?

Are you a racist?

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:41 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808170)
Do you think that because you are black that suffering is unique to you somehow? You're self-proclaimed arrogant, but are you really THAT arrogant? Making such a claim while professing your vast knowledge on the subject makes you look like an idiot.

The foundations of the protest are a QB who was benched, found a racist radio host and got hooked on her and let her destroy his career.

The difference between you and me is that I give a **** about ALL people, and just as I told you before, people have to learn to respect one another. You can never do that in parallel to blaming the white man. I am open enough with you to acknowledge racism and to respect your views, up to a point to be sure, on the matter.

What, if anything, do you know about white slaves? Narry as much as the black ones I bet.

All that 60 garbage you quote was mostly just that. But you only know parts of that history - the parts that line up with what you want to believe. Rock on. The biggest racist on this forum, right now, is you. That doesn't change a single thing about my opinion or anything I told you in private.

The land grab still isn't going to happen here. Keep on dreamin'.

Ok. 👌🏽

saintfan 08-13-2018 02:42 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808174)
Ok. 👌🏽

So, are you a racist?


rezburna 08-13-2018 02:43 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808173)
And of course you offer no explanation. Is that because you don't have one, or because you're black?

Are you a racist?

I知 Pro-Black. I知 Pan-Afrikan. I知 a revolutionary. And most importantly, I don稚 owe you an explanation. I知 definitely not explaining myself to someone who led off with 鍍oo much rap music and referred to me, a grown ass man, as a kid.

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:46 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808175)
So, are you a racist?


Let痴 take that leap of good faith you池e so adamant about and help me get control of the country. Then we can find out.

saintfan 08-13-2018 02:46 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808176)
I知 Pro-Black. I知 Pan-Afrikan. I知 a revolutionary. And most importantly, I don稚 owe you an explanation. I知 definitely not explaining myself to someone who led off with 鍍oo much rap music and referred to me, a grown ass man, as a kid.

Whatever with all that jazz. Are you a racist? Being pro-black doesn't make you a racist. Being Pan-African doesn't make you a racist.

And no, you don't "owe" me anything. I don't "owe" you anything either, which is kind of my whole point.

Now, it's a simple question. Maybe you're afraid to answer because it'll undermine every word you type, but it's still a simple question: ARE you a racist?

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:48 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808181)
Whatever with all that jazz. Are you a racist? Being pro-black doesn't make you a racist. Being Pan-African doesn't make you a racist.

And no, you don't "owe" me anything. I don't "owe" you anything either, which is kind of my whole point.

Now, it's a simple question. Maybe you're afraid to answer because it'll undermine every word you type, but it's still a simple question: ARE you a racist?

Did I say I was?

saintfan 08-13-2018 02:50 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808182)
Did I say I was?

So far you refuse to answer. Still waiting.

By the way, your refusal to answer is still an answer. ;)

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:55 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808183)
So far you refuse to answer. Still waiting.

By the way, your refusal to answer is still an answer. ;)

I told you what I am. If I didn’t list racist, it’s obviously not on my resume. But feel free to call me whatever you want and I’ll respond accordingly.

Beastmode 08-13-2018 02:55 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808163)
He痴 a traitor to his people and he deserves to be dealt with in the same fashion nations deal with those who commit treason. He disgusts me.

The last person convicted of treason like 60 years ago was released and pardoned by Democrats. So let him go?

rezburna 08-13-2018 02:58 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 808187)
The last person convicted of treason like 60 years ago was released and pardoned by Democrats. So let him go?

Some die. Some do life. Some do 10 years. Results may vary. That’ll just have to be up to the Diaspora now won’t it?

rezburna 08-13-2018 03:01 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 808187)
The last person convicted of treason like 60 years ago was released and pardoned by Democrats. So let him go?

And why didn稚 you just say Kennedy? You got a beef with Democrats?

Beastmode 08-13-2018 03:05 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808189)
And why didn稚 you just say Kennedy? You got a beef with Democrats?

Other than their policies no. I didn't even know it was Kennedy to be honest but does not surprise me. My point was that treason is a joke. Damn near impossible to charge somebody with it today even if they did it.

rezburna 08-13-2018 03:13 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 808191)
Other than their policies no. I didn't even know it was Kennedy to be honest but does not surprise me. My point was that treason is a joke. Damn near impossible to charge somebody with it today even if they did it.

Yeah, under United States policies it might hard. I think they just take them out and don’t worry about a court date.

However, I don’t **** with Democrats either though. Wolf in sheeps clothing. I was just curious.

saintfan 08-13-2018 04:04 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808185)
I told you what I am. If I didn稚 list racist, it痴 obviously not on my resume. But feel free to call me whatever you want and I値l respond accordingly.

You're not listing it is irrelevant actually - your own arrogance sort of puts clarity on that. You're pro-black. Does that make you inherently anti-white?

rezburna 08-13-2018 04:25 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808200)
You're not listing it is irrelevant actually - your own arrogance sort of puts clarity on that. You're pro-black. Does that make you inherently anti-white?

Pro-Black is inherently Anti-White seeing as Black and White are socioeconomic classifications of race created by those who call themselves White to establish a hierarchy. White on top. Black on the bottom. Thus they are the antithesis of each other. If you池e Pro something you池e anti the opposite. The middle is subject to change depending on necessity and convenience. Those White 都laves you talked about helped usher that in. Any Black progress in land or wealth accumulation is White regression by default. Even something as simple as equality is White regression socioeconomically. I知 anti-White supremacy, and it just so happens that the designation of White was created with the purpose of being supreme at all cost.

saintfan 08-13-2018 04:47 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808206)
Pro-Black is inherently Anti-White seeing as Black and White are socioeconomic classifications of race created by those who call themselves White to establish a hierarchy. White on top. Black on the bottom. Thus they are the antithesis of each other. If you池e Pro something you池e anti the opposite. The middle is subject to change depending on necessity and convenience. Those White 都laves you talked about helped usher that in. Any Black progress in land or wealth accumulation is White regression by default. Even something as simple as equality is White regression socioeconomically. I知 anti-White supremacy, and it just so happens that the designation of White was created with the purpose of being supreme at all cost.

You are a very misguided soul. You are also a racist, and it appears you justify this 'by the color of your own skin'.

I could never take you seriously and I am sad to have once tried - then again, I'm white, so you don't care. I'll give you this: you're honest. No less a misguided racist, but honest nonetheless.

You are welcome to follow Delany back to Africa and start your new nation, but I suspect you'd find the going there far more difficult. I guess you're kinda screwed. Ain't no land grabs on this continent on the horizon...

rezburna 08-13-2018 04:50 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808207)
You are a very misguided soul. You are also a racist, and it appears you justify this 'by the color of your own skin'.

I could never take you seriously and I am sad to have once tried - then again, I'm white, so you don't care. I'll give you this: you're honest. No less a misguided racist, but honest nonetheless.

You are welcome to follow Delany back to Africa and start your new nation, but I suspect you'd find the going there far more difficult. I guess you're kinda screwed. Ain't no land grabs on this continent on the horizon...

Thank you for your guidance and concern oh great one.

rezburna 08-13-2018 04:55 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808207)
You are a very misguided soul. You are also a racist, and it appears you justify this 'by the color of your own skin'.

I could never take you seriously and I am sad to have once tried - then again, I'm white, so you don't care. I'll give you this: you're honest. No less a misguided racist, but honest nonetheless.

You are welcome to follow Delany back to Africa and start your new nation, but I suspect you'd find the going there far more difficult. I guess you're kinda screwed. Ain't no land grabs on this continent on the horizon...

And thank you for your permission to leave. I was hoping you壇 sign off on it.

saintfan 08-13-2018 04:55 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808209)
Thank you for your guidance and concern oh great one.

I'm white. You can't possibly mean I'm great in any regard.

Am I missing something?

saintfan 08-13-2018 04:57 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808210)
And thank you for your permission to leave. I was hoping you壇 sign off on it.

I'm white. You don't need my permission no how - but I do wonder, being Pan African and all, is there a reason you haven't jumped ship and headed back to a place where land grabs are actually, well, actual?

rezburna 08-13-2018 04:58 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808211)
I'm white. You can't possibly mean I'm great in any regard.

Am I missing something?

Of course not. There’s the Great White Shark. Larry Bird was the Great White Hope. White, greatness, and purity tend to go together a lot in the construct of American society. Don’t act so shocked. The predominantly, White Conservatives are going to make American GREAT again.

saintfan 08-13-2018 04:59 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808213)
There痴 a Great White Shark. Larry Bird was the Great White Hope. White, greatness, and purity tend to go together a lot in the construct of American society.

Oh don't flatter. They'll kick you out of the club if they find out.

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