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saintfan 08-13-2018 07:22 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808257)
Read on. I’ve met you time and time again as well, even down to the overusage and misusage of the words racism and racists. If you’re trying to convince somebody of something, convince yourself.

I will read on. I enjoy reading about the 60s. It was, to use a word, colorful. I'd share my reading list but I doubt you'd be interested. Let me know if you are and I'll PM ya.

As for misusing racism, there are varying, valid definitions. I know you are well versed. My guess is there's one you use and you likely discount the others. You must, otherwise you'd see you are as guilty as those you charge. Maybe even more.

rezburna 08-13-2018 07:23 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808261)
I will read on. I enjoy reading about the 60s. It was, to use a word, colorful. I'd share my reading list but I doubt you'd be interested. Let me know if you are and I'll PM ya.

As for misusing racism, there are varying, valid definitions. I know you are well versed. My guess is there's one you use and you likely discount the others. You must, otherwise you'd see you are as guilty as those you charge. Maybe even more.

Send ‘em through. I’ll read ‘em if I haven’t already.

saintfan 08-13-2018 07:30 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808262)
Send ‘em through. I’ll read ‘em if I haven’t already.

Will do, but give me a couple days. I'm moving. When I do, respond in kind. I'd love to know what you're reading.

rezburna 08-13-2018 07:31 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808263)
Will do, but give me a couple days. I'm moving. When I do, respond in kind. I'd love to know what you're reading.

Right now I’m reading The Iceman Inheritance and Black Reconstruction, but I’ll send you a list.

saintfan 08-13-2018 07:43 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
I just finished "The 60s Unplugged". It's a bit of a global look. "There's a Riot Going On" is a personal favorite, but it has a 'music' lean. I'll unbox in a couple days and send over some more. "The Chitlin' Circuit And The Road To Rock And Roll" is another I just finished, and you might like, but it's not exactly the 60s. More to come.

rezburna 08-13-2018 07:51 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808268)
I just finished "The 60s Unplugged". It's a bit of a global look. "There's a Riot Going On" is a personal favorite, but it has a 'music' lean. I'll unbox in a couple days and send over some more. "The Chitlin' Circuit And The Road To Rock And Roll" is another I just finished, and you might like, but it's not exactly the 60s. More to come.

I’ll start with Riot Going On. Music is one of my things.

saintfan 08-13-2018 08:01 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808269)
I’ll start with Riot Going On. Music is one of my things.

It's a take only the enthusiasts will read to the end. Lots of obscure names and stuff nobody has ever heard of. I guarantee you'll appreciate it.

Beastmode 08-13-2018 08:11 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808269)
I’ll start with Riot Going On. Music is one of my things.

What are your thoughts on fixing black on black violence in inner cities which far out weigh white police abuse and also black police abuse?

Is there a solution? It does not seem like anyone cares much about it. Assuming you will direct it towards white people causing it but most of their elected officials in those districts are black, have been for decades but they can't seem to get it under control.

lee909 08-13-2018 08:44 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808255)
You speak of the Civil Rights movement as if you lived it. You did not. You, like me, are forced to rely on opinions, yet you are selective in your review. I have and continue to read all sides.

Im only reading bits of most of these posts. As i am sick to death of the way the worlds going to hell in a handbasket at the moment.

So i may be off here

What other side is there to the civil rights movement worth listening to other the Black people of that era?.

Surely there is only one side to the argument of this,one perspective that matters. It was wrong and a terrible era of history.

Im not calling you out on anything here,just trying to get a grasp on the issues from a long way away. Especially as the same issues seem to be getting a hold over here.

To many signs similar to the late 20s (financial crisis) into the 30s (facist/rise of the extreme left and right) going on to not take notice. (WW2 and its causes being very high on my lists of interests)

I don't believe for a second every white guy liked it or even overly benefitted from it. Though they did have a leg up over non whites.

I do believe that this issue is partly to do with how recent the civil rights is. It will always take time for things to be sorted out and many of the race issue are so deep seated over hundreds of years it will take far longer than 50 odd years to sort out.

lee909 08-13-2018 08:52 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 808271)
What are your thoughts on fixing black on black violence in inner cities which far out weigh white police abuse and also black police abuse?

Is there a solution? It does not seem like anyone cares much about it. Assuming you will direct it towards white people causing it but most of their elected officials in those districts are black, have been for decades but they can't seem to get it under control.

Without living there it looks from the outside like a serios issue of little options and urban overcrowding leading to people having to do wrong to get by in the older days. Once that sets in i think its hard to escape from as it passes generation to generation. You look at any major city that suffered from poor prospects and people need to feed families and will do what they need to. This often starts leading to the neighbourhood turning bad,absent parents,or parents hooked on various vices. Its a nasty slippry slope that takes hold and once it has a grip seems hard to escape.

I know from family members who lived in Belfast during tbe Troubles that you had no choice but to side with 'your people',you didn't talk to the police,you kept what you saw to yourself and you hid things if asked'. That gripped Ireland for 30 years and its only slowly recovering in most areas. Now put that on a scale of what 80-100 years with added oppression,no civil rights,racist attitudes still present (even if they are dying out (imo) then its a expensive hole to fill in and get people not just on their feet but with a future that they can see and options infront of them. The ability to get a education and to plan a life would help

rezburna 08-13-2018 09:04 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 808271)
What are your thoughts on fixing black on black violence in inner cities which far out weigh white police abuse and also black police abuse?

Is there a solution? It does not seem like anyone cares much about it. Assuming you will direct it towards white people causing it but most of their elected officials in those districts are black, have been for decades but they can't seem to get it under control.

Violent crime and poverty go hand in hand globally. Yeah, ghettos were socially engineered but we can ignore that for the sake of the discussion. Those communities need huge financial investments. The effort LeBron James made is a good start for his hometown, but I feel like all the Black elite should be pooling their money and resources together and adopt a city a year to revitalize. **** a YMCA. Rebuild homes and infrastructure. Bring in industry. Let’s get these people careers, because insurance is pretty much tied to employment.

Everybody thinks it starts with the kids, but to me it starts with the parents. Bringing smart kids home from a wonderful school to a ****ty, neighborhood and home with no lights or food isn’t solving anything. You have to provide opportunity to adults of the area. Healthcare facilities are important too. That’s what I’m trying to put together where I’m from. Get into a position to build a facility and then go to the local high school and develop bridge programs to get kids straight out of high school and working in the facility ASAP. I’m almost done with my Master’s, and I’ll go get the Doctorate just so people take it serious and put respect on my name.

GED programs. Trade schools. Industry. Grocery stores. Farms. Independence. I don’t want to have to ask the government or White people for help. I don’t even really want the help because I feel like strings will be attached. I have trust issues based on both past and recent history. I don’t want to own 2.6% of the wealth and less than 1% of the land when my kids are my age. We owned less than 1% of the land post-abolition. This isn’t going to work.

As far as Black, public officials, I view most of them in the same fashion as Samuel L Jackson’s character in Django: a Negro overseer. They have a responsibility they aren’t living up to, and we most certainly call them out. We just don’t tend to make internal disputes public. For years Conservative media called Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Black leaders while we said they weren’t. I spend most of my time in predominantly White spaces because success and progression calls for that. It’s plenty of blame to go around. I’m just not trusting enough to go into detail about things. And this may seem detailed, but it’s not. I’m way more organized and planned out then this.

rezburna 08-13-2018 09:06 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 808276)
Without living there it looks from the outside like a serios issue of little options and urban overcrowding leading to people having to do wrong to get by in the older days. Once that sets in i think its hard to escape from as it passes generation to generation. You look at any major city that suffered from poor prospects and people need to feed families and will do what they need to. This often starts leading to the neighbourhood turning bad,absent parents,or parents hooked on various vices. Its a nasty slippry slope that takes hold and once it has a grip seems hard to escape.

I know from family members who lived in Belfast during tbe Troubles that you had no choice but to side with 'your people',you didn't talk to the police,you kept what you saw to yourself and you hid things if asked'. That gripped Ireland for 30 years and its only slowly recovering in most areas. Now put that on a scale of what 80-100 years with added oppression,no civil rights,racist attitudes still present (even if they are dying out (imo) then its a expensive hole to fill in and get people not just on their feet but with a future that they can see and options infront of them. The ability to get a education and to plan a life would help

I see why we were allies in the 1600’s. However short that allyship was.

frydaddy 08-13-2018 10:43 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808277)
Violent crime and poverty go hand in hand globally. Yeah, ghettos were socially engineered but we can ignore that for the sake of the discussion. Those communities need huge financial investments. The effort LeBron James made is a good start for his hometown, but I feel like all the Black elite should be pooling their money and resources together and adopt a city a year to revitalize. **** a YMCA. Rebuild homes and infrastructure. Bring in industry. Let’s get these people careers, because insurance is pretty much tied to employment.

Everybody thinks it starts with the kids, but to me it starts with the parents. Bringing smart kids home from a wonderful school to a ****ty, neighborhood and home with no lights or food isn’t solving anything. You have to provide opportunity to adults of the area. Healthcare facilities are important too. That’s what I’m trying to put together where I’m from. Get into a position to build a facility and then go to the local high school and devlop bridge programs to get kids straight out of high school and working in the facility ASAP. I’m almost done with my Master’s, and I’ll go get the Doctorate just so people take it serious and put respect on my name.

GED programs. Trade schools. Industry. Grocery stores. Farms. Independence. I don’t want to have to ask the government or White people for help. I don’t even really want the help because I feel like strings will be attached. I have trust issues based on both past and recent history. I don’t want to own 2.6% of the wealth and less than 1% of the land when my kids are my age. We owned less than 1% of the land post-abolition. This isn’t going to work.

As far as Black, public officials, I view most of them in the same fashion as Samuel L Jackson’s character in Django: a Negro overseer. They have a responsibility they aren’t living up to, and we most certainly call them out. We just don’t tend to make internal disputes private. For years Conservative media called Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Black leaders while we said they weren’t. I spend most of time in predominantly White spaces because success and progression calls for that. It’s plenty of blame to go around. I’m just not trusting enough to go into detail about things. And this may seem detailed, but it’s not. I’m way more organized and planned out then this.

I agree with all of this. I mentioned in a post on this thread a few days ago the fact that the so called black leadership has been screwing black people for years. Perpetuating the idea of inferiority, its shameful. And I really like your idea about how these high profile athletes and other figures could put their money where their mouth is and affect REAL change. I think it shouldn't stop with them either. Politicians need to step up to the plate, cause every damn one of them who have ever run for a high profile office has campaigned at some point on the platform of lowering crime and restoring communities and all that mumbo jumbo. Only good can come of providing more people with more opportunities.

I know I started out kinda brash earlier, but my honest sentiment on the matter is that, yes, I see and I understand that there is this perception amongst a lotta black folks that they are somehow inferior. And that unfortunately leads to it manifesting itself as reality in their lives. What frustrates me as a fellow human being is that they believe it. Because it isn't true, and it doesn't have to be like this. We do actually live in a country where any person can make anything of themselves with enough hard work and passion for it. I am for the idea of providing more opportunities, but you gotta take them and do something with them. And if no one will provide you with one, then get out there and make one for yourself. Sometimes you just have to, it's what I'm having to do. And I feel this way toward all people honestly. There are a lot of small towns around where I live that are full of trashy ass people of all colors, but mostly white. Just a bunch of the types of people who like to stay f***ed up all day long on one thing or another. Drifting from pissant job to pissant job, making just enough to support their habit and maybe put a roof over their heads occasionally. I've got two brothers in law who fit all the above criteria sadly (my wife is the good one in the family.) Couple of useless leeches who need to either get their **** together or just get to dying already...but anyway. We do live in a world that is progressing beyond that, or at least attempting to, and it is time for people to start talking things out and finding a way to get on the same page. I feel like you and I are a little closer to that than perhaps we were to begin the day. It's been nice to find some common ground with you.

rezburna 08-14-2018 06:05 AM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by frydaddy (Post 808283)
I agree with all of this. I mentioned in a post on this thread a few days ago the fact that the so called black leadership has been screwing black people for years. Perpetuating the idea of inferiority, its shameful. And I really like your idea about how these high profile athletes and other figures could put their money where their mouth is and affect REAL change. I think it shouldn't stop with them either. Politicians need to step up to the plate, cause every damn one of them who have ever run for a high profile office has campaigned at some point on the platform of lowering crime and restoring communities and all that mumbo jumbo. Only good can come of providing more people with more opportunities.

I know I started out kinda brash earlier, but my honest sentiment on the matter is that, yes, I see and I understand that there is this perception amongst a lotta black folks that they are somehow inferior. And that unfortunately leads to it manifesting itself as reality in their lives. What frustrates me as a fellow human being is that they believe it. Because it isn't true, and it doesn't have to be like this. We do actually live in a country where any person can make anything of themselves with enough hard work and passion for it. I am for the idea of providing more opportunities, but you gotta take them and do something with them. And if no one will provide you with one, then get out there and make one for yourself. Sometimes you just have to, it's what I'm having to do. And I feel this way toward all people honestly. There are a lot of small towns around where I live that are full of trashy ass people of all colors, but mostly white. Just a bunch of the types of people who like to stay f***ed up all day long on one thing or another. Drifting from pissant job to pissant job, making just enough to support their habit and maybe put a roof over their heads occasionally. I've got two brothers in law who fit all the above criteria sadly (my wife is the good one in the family.) Couple of useless leeches who need to either get their **** together or just get to dying already...but anyway. We do live in a world that is progressing beyond that, or at least attempting to, and it is time for people to start talking things out and finding a way to get on the same page. I feel like you and I are a little closer to that than perhaps we were to begin the day. It's been nice to find some common ground with you.

It’s not as much of perpetuating inferiority as it is being brave enough to say I want to help the Black community right now. That’s my priority. It’s okay to focus on one community, especially when that community is the most economically hamstrung and poor per capita. Our disagreements come in the form of why that is, and sometimes what we should do to rectify it.

President Obama was afraid to do for Black people. He had to make sure everybody knew he was the President or the United States and not just us. He’s not the first Black President. He’s the first Mulatto, and even in knowing that he let a lot of us down. Those of us who don’t champion him simply for having a Black Dad call him out, but those disputes are private matters. When I say I’m not bipartisan I mean it. I know what I want and what I think will work and I stick to it. The way I research, I could help all people. If given a tangible reason, I’ll think about it in the future.

vpheughan 08-14-2018 06:29 AM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
I know you were never right but I'll admit I was never wrong.....

Papa Voodoo 08-14-2018 10:05 AM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 808271)
What are your thoughts on fixing black on black violence in inner cities which far out weigh white police abuse and also black police abuse?

Is there a solution? It does not seem like anyone cares much about it. Assuming you will direct it towards white people causing it but most of their elected officials in those districts are black, have been for decades but they can't seem to get it under control.

Trump promised to clean up all inner cities during his speech when he won the election.

Papa Voodoo 08-14-2018 10:19 AM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
Guerrilla Funk Recordings and Filmworks, LLC.

Danno 08-14-2018 12:15 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Papa Voodoo (Post 808308)
Trump promised to clean up all inner cities during his speech when he won the election.

You can't help people that don't want help.

Papa Voodoo 08-14-2018 02:02 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
I agree people need to want to help themselves; however, more has to be going on than that. Why is every major inner city in the entire country African american? There has to be a significant percentage of folks living in those inner cities that work as hard or harder than other citizens and do want "help".

shawnkytonk 08-14-2018 02:03 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 808318)
You can't help people that don't want help.

Say huh? This thought process is the problem with our country.

Danno 08-14-2018 02:55 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by shawnkytonk (Post 808328)
Say huh? This thought process is the problem with our country.

If they wanted help, they'd accept it.

San Fran doesn't want help, they want more of whats causing the problem.
If you think the inner cities want Conservatives and Republicans to come in and help, you're delusional.

If you want to know whats wrong with America's thought process today, read Rez's posts just in this thread. There's the main problem. Black hatred toward whites.

rezburna 08-14-2018 03:09 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
*Looks up statistical analysis’ of the negative impact that Black hatred of Whites has had on their socioeconomic dominance and/or upward mobility in American society.*

saintfan 08-14-2018 03:23 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
As long as there are Robert Mugabe's (and his successor(s)) running black nations there will be no resolution. Scream racism from the highest mountain. Tout "Pan-Africa" as the solution. Make a flag, and display it proudly.

The problem lies within the hearts of those making the most noise, and white people don't own that.

rezburna 08-14-2018 03:25 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808336)
As long as there are Robert Mugabe's (and his successor(s)) running black nations there will be no resolution. Scream racism from the highest mountain. Tout "Pan-Africa" as the solution. Make a flag, and display it proudly.

The problem lies within the hearts of those making the most noise, and white people don't own that.

Shoutout to Mugabe. ����

South Africa and Namibia on deck.

saintfan 08-14-2018 03:30 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808337)
Shoutout to Mugabe. ����

South Africa and Namibia on deck.

One of my very best friends, and the manager of our division at work, is from Zimbabwe. I assure you he would not be amused. He's told me a great deal about the "leadership" on the African Continent. Oh no, he would not be amused at all.

rezburna 08-14-2018 03:32 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808338)
One of my very best friends, and the manager of our division at work, is from Zimbabwe. I assure you he would not be amused. He's told me a great deal about the "leadership" on the African Continent. Oh no, he would not be amused at all.

And I’m in contact with many people from Zimbabwe who feel otherwise. So I guess there’s a stalemate.

Beastmode 08-14-2018 03:35 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
NAACP accepts people from all races and cultures, not just blacks. Eventually they will have to change the name. Doesn't fit anymore and they know this fact. Times have changed. The people that want to keep referring to themselves as crayon colors instead of just Americans will get left behind. Even hate groups like the KKK are a joke. Hardly any of them left and their numbers fall each year. In about 20 years though it won't even matter. Most of the country will not be white or black.

rezburna 08-14-2018 03:37 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 808340)
NAACP accepts people from all races and cultures, not just blacks. Eventually they will have to change the name. Doesn't fit anymore and they know this fact. Times have changed. The people that want to keep referring to themselves as crayon colors instead of just Americans will get left behind. Even hate groups like the KKK are a joke. Hardly any of them left and their numbers fall each year. In about 20 years though it won't even matter. Most of the country will not be white or black.

You do realize the NAACP was started by White people right?

Beastmode 08-14-2018 03:38 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808341)
You do realize the NAACP was started by White people right?

It doesn't matter if it was started by Eskimos. They help all, not just black people today.

rezburna 08-14-2018 03:41 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 808342)
It doesn't matter if it was started by Eskimos. They help all, not just black people today.

Black organizations always came up with policy for all people. They knew going to the government for just Blacks wouldn’t fly. The Civil Rights Movement benefitted all minorities. White women the most. The Black Panthers worked on socialist programs that benefitted everybody, and they had a White Panther Party. Yet they still considered themselves a Black organization. Their deeds don’t change that and never have. There are already multicultural organizations and movements.

Beastmode 08-14-2018 03:52 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808343)
Black organizations always came up with policy for all people. They knew going to the government for just Blacks wouldn’t fly. The Civil Rights Movement benefitted all minorities. White women the most. The Black Panthers worked on socialist programs that benefitted everybody, and they had a White Panther Party. Yet they still considered themselves a Black organization. Their deeds don’t change that and never have. There are already multicultural organizations and movements.

Well, like I said, it won't matter in about 20 years. Whites won't be the majority which I am actually looking forward to seeing. Might even get a white history month at some point.

rezburna 08-14-2018 03:53 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Beastmode (Post 808344)
Well, like I said, it won't matter in about 20 years. Whites won't be the majority which I am actually looking forward to seeing. Might even get a white history month at some point.

If we trade places socioeconomically White people can have a White History Summer for all I care. Everyday at school was White History Day for me. Spain, France, Italy, England, all the way to America.

rezburna 08-14-2018 03:55 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
I just commented because I saw my name though. Y’all can have the conversation back. Black hatred of Whites being what’s wrong with America shifted to the entire that’s where it left off.

saintfan 08-14-2018 04:11 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808339)
And I’m in contact with many people from Zimbabwe who feel otherwise. So I guess there’s a stalemate.

Racism. Economic disaster. Human rights violations. Corruption. Election fraud. And a land grab that destroyed their agriculture.

He pretty much destroyed the country, but he is all about black power. His policies were colossal failures. He gave all that land ‘back’ to black people who had no idea how to farm it. Maybe those are the people you’re in contact with. Oh man there aren’t very many people who would ever defend that fool, but in the end, as they say, it takes all kinds to make a world.

rezburna 08-14-2018 04:17 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808347)
Racism. Economic disaster. Human rights violations. Corruption. Election fraud. And a land grab that destroyed their agriculture.

He pretty much destroyed the country, but he is all about black power. His policies were colossal failures. He gave all that land ‘back’ to black people who had no idea how to farm it. Maybe those are the people you’re in contact with. Oh man there aren’t very many people who would ever defend that fool, but in the end, as they say, it takes all kinds to make a world.

No mention of sanctions? Cool. Good day saintfan.

saintfan 08-14-2018 05:08 PM

NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808348)
No mention of sanctions? Cool. Good day saintfan.

He was a monster before anybody sanctioned him for it - I think he was a good 20 years + into his dictatorship before anyone sanctioned him, and by then his hands were long blood stained. That surely doesn’t exonerate that evil man. For sure that is how his defenders attempt to defend him but that rings hollow and there is ample evidence to discredit that hog wash.

Nice mike drop by the way. I wouldn’t want to continue this conversation either if I were you, especially if you care about black lives.

lee909 08-14-2018 06:12 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808347)
Racism. Economic disaster. Human rights violations. Corruption. Election fraud. And a land grab that destroyed their agriculture.


Land grab!

Sorry but are you kidding
How do you think the white farmer took the land in South Africa and Zimbabwe first?

European colonisation of Africa,The America's and Asia has left many of the country a hell hole. Then add in another European/American conflict in the Cold War using these countries as battlefield caused even more issues.

No doubt tribalism in Africa is another cause of the issue but how many of these nations have been stripped and sold off to benefit rich elite?

Look at the attempted coup in 2004 Equatorial Guinea to overthrow the government (bad they where). Both the UK and US had knowledge that it was going to happen. Both had interest in the oil and both stood by and did nothing. They made sure that those 'big' people at the top walked free like Mark Thatcher.

Its a disgrace

The white farmers and rich of South Africa where happy to steal the land,not far off enslave the native population and give them no rights in their own lands on the pretence they where lesser men. Tgat their grandfathers moved there and theirfore God gave them the lands. It was God will for the white man to rule.

The whole idea of race is a crack of s.... really. White skin only really started to become common less than 8,000 years ago. Before that all one people.

saintfan 08-14-2018 06:32 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 808358)
Land grab!

Sorry but are you kidding
How do you think the white farmer took the land in South Africa and Zimbabwe first?

European colonisation of Africa,The America's and Asia has left many of the country a hell hole. Then add in another European/American conflict in the Cold War using these countries as battlefield caused even more issues.

No doubt tribalism in Africa is another cause of the issue but how many of these nations have been stripped and sold off to benefit rich elite?

Look at the attempted coup in 2004 Equatorial Guinea to overthrow the government (bad they where). Both the UK and US had knowledge that it was going to happen. Both had interest in the oil and both stood by and did nothing. They made sure that those 'big' people at the top walked free like Mark Thatcher.

Its a disgrace

The white farmers and rich of South Africa where happy to steal the land,not far off enslave the native population and give them no rights in their own lands on the pretence they where lesser men. Tgat their grandfathers moved there and theirfore God gave them the lands. It was God will for the white man to rule.

The whole idea of race is a crack of s.... really. White skin only really started to become common less than 8,000 years ago. Before that all one people.

Well, that is certainly one way to look at it. I bring up the "land grab" because it failed. And it will fail again. This idea of restitution is bogus, but neither you nor anyone else need take my word for it. Maybe we should give all the land in the United States back to the "Native Americans"? What a spectacularly dumb idea, and yet there are people so bitter about the failure of their own history that they demand it, to the detriment of their own kind. And they advocate for the same violence they deplore along the way. That is the definition of irony. But nobody died, at least not that I'm aware of, which makes it one of Mugabe's least tragic offenses.

The point is the failed leadership of the black people...throughout history. And why, with so much blood on his hands, would you gravitate to the 'land grab'? Lets discuss his human rights violations, shall we?

lee909 08-14-2018 06:36 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
How much of them leadership would there have been without outside interference

saintfan 08-14-2018 06:37 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 808358)
White skin only really started to become common less than 8,000 years ago. Before that all one people.

Uhm, you might wanna rethink that. All one people, then, all of a sudden, 8k years ago, white people? I guarantee you that ain't accurate. I'm not sure where you got that idea, but you should be angry at the source. You have been given bogus info.

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