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saintfan 08-14-2018 06:38 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 808360)
How much of them leadership would there have been without outside interference

Or better stated, would their leadership be any less corrupt now without outside interference? My guess is no, but we can hypothetical this to death is you wanna.

saintfan 08-14-2018 06:40 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
Hate. For hate's sake. How can anyone bring themselves to believe that is ever a good idea?

Beastmode 08-14-2018 06:53 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by rezburna (Post 808345)
If we trade places socioeconomically White people can have a White History Summer for all I care. Everyday at school was White History Day for me. Spain, France, Italy, England, all the way to America.

I grew up dirt poor white in a black town. 98% of my HS was black. I knew at a young age nothing was going to happen there for me or likely anyone else so I joined the Marines at 17. Earned enough for college and took care of the rest with hard work. Almost anyone else could have done the exact same thing. That's why I was so proud when Tracy Porter won the SB. He went to my HS. Port Allen. Crap town but I made something of myself and so did Tracy.

Oh, and my 20 years in the military I never witnessed racism. In fact, I had many superior officers who were black, even General Honore who I got a coin from during Katrina. I'm done with this thread. I have no ties to slavery, civil rights or any other racism BS. Way before my time and my time on this planet has no time for it.

lee909 08-14-2018 07:30 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808361)
Uhm, you might wanna rethink that. All one people, then, all of a sudden, 8k years ago, white people? I guarantee you that ain't accurate. I'm not sure where you got that idea, but you should be angry at the source. You have been given bogus info.

Read what i said
I never said one day we became white.
I said that white people starting becoming more common. There was lighter coloured people but in a small minority.

saintfan 08-14-2018 09:13 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
You know, one thing that always bothered me. Since we all came from Africa, how is it that any of us could ever 'steal' any of that land?

I mean, I understand the argument, flawed as I believe it to be, but from a philosophical position it's not a bad argument.


skymike 08-14-2018 11:56 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by arsaint (Post 807880)
I know I'm small potatoes in the NFL budget but I will not buy merchandise, Sunday Ticket and will not attend any more live games while this continues. And I'm sure I'm not alone...

You are not.
I dont know if you've seen some of my tailgating and crawfish parties, and posts, as well as my history as a Season Ticket holder who drives 6 hours to go to the Dome, but I've been a little more than "casual" in my fanhood, to make an understatement. My house has a Wall of Saints.
Every other piece of apparel I have has a Fleur, and my living room looks like a Black and Gold Hall of Fame.
-- I hate this sh*t and I dont care why or what they have to say about it.
I AM YOUR FREAKIN CUSTOMER, and either it stops, or I stop coming.

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 808014)
I'm becoming more and more anti-NFL as more of these stories surface.
I'm even becoming less enthusiastic about my Saints. Thanks Cam.
I'm just not a huge fan anymore.

You nailed it. I never gave a sh*t what color anyone is, just what color their jersey is. My interest is damaged, and I honestly dont know if I'll ever be as interested as I once was. For the past 30 years I have bit, scratched, clawed to try to watch Saints pre-season games in TX. (only local NOLA tv has it) Year before last, I drove 30 miles to Baytown, TX, for better am radio reception, so I could listen to a Saints preseason game in my truck. I didnt watch a down of last week's game. Didnt look for highlights online, have no clue when the next game or opponent is, and cant tell you a thing about this year's regular season schedule. I used to preview the season, game by game.

So you want me to pay what? To see a bunch of guys who say What about my country? About the Police, who are my friends? About the Flag that my cousins fought in Vietnam under? And they sympathize with who? Same guys who were shooting at my cousins?

I thought these players were my guys, but I guess we really dont know them. They hate America (but they wont leave) and they hate people of different color. How is that different from a Klansman?

let Rezburna, and all the other black nationalists go and pay $150 for a seat, $30 for parking, $80 for beer and bad food, and stand in line, and sit in half-seats, and fight traffic all the way home. I also pay for hotels, rental cars, and all the other money you spend on the weekend in NOLA. You can hold up the Militant Hate Fist, and poop on the flag, and pay these guys overpriced salaries, and find out they dont give a damn about you.

You like it - You support it. I'm under no obligation. Its your money. I'll find other things to do on a beautiful Fall day.

saintfan 08-15-2018 07:49 AM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by lee909 (Post 808367)
Read what i said
I never said one day we became white.
I said that white people starting becoming more common. There was lighter coloured people but in a small minority.

How Europeans evolved white skin | Science | AAAS

I did read what you said. It was your "Before one people" comment that doesn't resonate.

Y'all think there wasn't any fighting going on based on whose tribe was whose tribe? LOL I assure you they weren't sitting around a campfire singing kumbaya. Then again, when did Asian people start becoming more common?

LOL. An anthropologist you are not sir.

I think everyone on Earth should get a piece of Africa, since that's the 'motherland' of us all. Whose with me? Fight the power man!

Papa Voodoo 08-15-2018 11:37 AM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
CK was told by a vet to kneel as it was the honorable thing to do instead of sitting. NFL kneeling was started by a military veteran (white if it matters). I have tickets for the Rams game in November. Still love the Saints as much as ever (took me a while to come to terms with how scared they played in the 1st half of the Vikes game), still love my country and countrymen and look forward to a fun game and NFL season. Kneel, don't kneel, twirl in a circle with pom poms; their employer allows them to do it.

saintfan 08-15-2018 01:26 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
Kaepernick was sitting until someone with some class advised him otherwise.

I lost complete interest in Kaepernick and fully recognized his lack of sincerity when I found out he doesn't vote.

The timeline shows Kaepernick was far more influenced by a radical radio host in Oakland than he was anything else. The man can not have an intelligent conversation on the subject he claims to be protesting.

The color of his skin or anyone who advised that fool is completely irrelevant.

Papa Voodoo 08-15-2018 02:08 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
I was never a fan of CK as a QB. He had to run to win and there is a long line of running QBs that show it's not a way to win consistently. Manning and Brady are trees. Steve Young and John Elway did both well.

Not sure CK's voting record would equal a lack of sincerity necessarily. Generals, media execs, etc. don't vote for different reasons. However, if he can't intelligently explain his own protest that would definitely take away his credibility. Oscar Jackson is able to do that and he's from the Oakland area.

saintfan 08-15-2018 02:54 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem
People are buying into the "politics of fear". That is his explanation. For every thing. Whatever.

He compared Trump to George Wallace? Yep, he definitely lives in Oakland. Holy smoke on the water.

I don't think this guy is as well-versed as you might think, but opinions vary. A lot of his answers are just vague responses to Larry's questions. There isn't much 'meat on the bone' in his answers, so to speak.

At any rate, he's a rapper. He has a built in platform to say whatever he wants at his job. That IS his job. There are a billion miles between his situation and that of those who want to use the first amendment as justification for protesting the flag while they are on the job, which the first amendment very clearly does not protect. That's like comparing apples to the moon. There IS no comparison.

By the way, his take on cops - he doesn't 'fear' them, but he doesn't put himself in a place where he has to deal with them - is wise, and it is also my take, and should be everyone's take. I would wager to say there are many militant people, white and black, who are dead today because they didn't understand antagonizing the guy with the gun, right or wrong, is a pretty dumb idea.

He also says Obama is responsible for the animosity between races. I couldn't agree more.

I'm sure there is a reason Kaepernick doesn't vote. He says this:


I think it would be hypocritical of me to vote. I'd said from the beginning I was against oppression, I was against a system of oppression. I'm not going to show support for that system. And, to me, the oppressor isn't going to allow you to vote your way out of your oppression.
So he doesn't trust the democratic 'system' and yet he uses its principles to justify his 'protests'. Voting is actually a designed form of 'protest'. He is the very definition of a moron. He is clearly uneducated and has no idea what he's talking about. He's spewing nonsense put in his low IQ brain by a muslim activist masking as a radio host in...wait for it...Oakland. What 'system', I wonder, does he support? Pan-Africa? LMAO again. That fool couldn't find a political 'system' with both hands, a map, and a tour guide.

Papa Voodoo 08-16-2018 10:05 AM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808452)
People are buying into the "politics of fear". That is his explanation. For every thing. Whatever.

He compared Trump to George Wallace? Yep, he definitely lives in Oakland. Holy smoke on the water.

I don't think this guy is as well-versed as you might think, but opinions vary. A lot of his answers are just vague responses to Larry's questions. There isn't much 'meat on the bone' in his answers, so to speak.

At any rate, he's a rapper. He has a built in platform to say whatever he wants at his job. That IS his job. There are a billion miles between his situation and that of those who want to use the first amendment as justification for protesting the flag while they are on the job, which the first amendment very clearly does not protect. That's like comparing apples to the moon. There IS no comparison.

By the way, his take on cops - he doesn't 'fear' them, but he doesn't put himself in a place where he has to deal with them - is wise, and it is also my take, and should be everyone's take. I would wager to say there are many militant people, white and black, who are dead today because they didn't understand antagonizing the guy with the gun, right or wrong, is a pretty dumb idea.

He also says Obama is responsible for the animosity between races. I couldn't agree more.

I'm sure there is a reason Kaepernick doesn't vote. He says this:

So he doesn't trust the democratic 'system' and yet he uses its principles to justify his 'protests'. Voting is actually a designed form of 'protest'. He is the very definition of a moron. He is clearly uneducated and has no idea what he's talking about. He's spewing nonsense put in his low IQ brain by a muslim activist masking as a radio host in...wait for it...Oakland. What 'system', I wonder, does he support? Pan-Africa? LMAO again. That fool couldn't find a political 'system' with both hands, a map, and a tour guide.

Thanks for the time you put into your answer and actually watching the video. He is a rapper and is also a very successful stock broker. I'm not so sure about his situation being apples to moon however. NWA was held in high esteem for their style of music. Jackson went into another universe in the late 80's with his, so much so that he was dropped while NWA was exploited for money. He had huge brass ones for the songs he put out in that time. He was cut by his employer for expressing himself.

If you wouldn't mind, here is one of his earlier songs. It's worth a listen, especially around 2:50.

saintfan 08-16-2018 12:23 PM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by Papa Voodoo (Post 808533)
Thanks for the time you put into your answer and actually watching the video. He is a rapper and is also a very successful stock broker. I'm not so sure about his situation being apples to moon however. NWA was held in high esteem for their style of music. Jackson went into another universe in the late 80's with his, so much so that he was dropped while NWA was exploited for money. He had huge brass ones for the songs he put out in that time. He was cut by his employer for expressing himself.

If you wouldn't mind, here is one of his earlier songs. It's worth a listen, especially around 2:50.

I don’t have a problem with protest. Protest is protected in our Constitution for the best of reasons. I don’t get upset when people have different views than me.

I do get upset when someone is disingenuous. I love a good debate and learn lots from them. Generally speaking if I am going to engage I have done my homework. I don’t have much respect for those who do not.

The rapper you posted is clearly not an idiot, but his thoughts aren’t original. He is repeating a mantra that’s pretty common and half baked, so to speak. And I can clearly see this in his vague responses to the questions. He doesn’t want you to try to change his mind. He is closed to any thoughts or ideas outside his very narrow window.

And I promise you, nobody is going to hear him elaborate with much intelligence on why “political fear” is responsible for everything. He will walk away before he allows you to expose his thoughts or lack there of. That is what people like that do. They’re a dime a dozen in the Bay Area. It is frustrating as hell to lead a thirsty man to the water only to watch him refuse to drink.

skymike 08-20-2018 06:15 AM

Re: NFL preseason sees kneeling, raised fists, during national anthem

Originally Posted by saintfan (Post 808554)
They’re a dime a dozen in the Bay Area.

Hey, SF, I forgot you're in the Bay Area. My cousins are part of what's wrong with Oakland. Somehow the Texas branch of our family, except me, are fine citizens. My CA cousins are a bit more troublesome, and one, closest to me is a serious rap artist, who actually gets radio play. I'll have to ask his rap name sometime... the kids would know him. He's just my cousin E. to me.

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