09-11-2011, 01:36 PM
100th Post
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 487
Originally Posted by Srgt. Hulka
That play is where I lost it. I also wanted them to go for it. Even posted it on chat. But as they were lining up, I told my wife that they should go for three, because it would put them within 5 points of Green Bay, and a touchdown would put them ahead. Then they called that stupid play action, or whatever the hell that was. I frikkin blew a gasket. The same exact play they tried on the drive before and lost 20 yards on, and almost got Drew killed. I don't even remember the next 10 or 15 minutes after that play.
Don’t know why we didn’t take the 3 at that point in the game, which I thought was the turning point. With 3 points that would have dropped their lead to 5 but instead the Packers did a 14pt swung on us. I’m kind of torn because I like the fact we went for it but we left the points and the wrong play was called