09-08-2012, 10:23 PM
Donated Plasma
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: San Francisco, CA
Posts: 18,556
Originally Posted by Euphoria
I think many people got this whole lifting of the suspensions ALL WRONG.
We aren't getting back draft picks. We aren't getting Sean back and as soon as this weeks is over the players will have to serve their suspensions.
They are merely asking Roger to say if the violations are finacial then that falls into other person's responsibility not his to level punishment. Or if it is detrimental to the game fine... then THE PENALTIES will still have to be served because that falls under his jurisdiction. So it is just a delay of what was already been given.
Next week the players will be told they are suspended and that is that.
Seems the rub however comes from the fact that to enforce these amazingly brutal fines/suspensions, Roger is going to have to show his evidence - either now or in a real court. Should he choose NOT to expose his very questionable sources, he can fine until he's blue in the face. Is that right or am I misinformed?