09-10-2010, 04:30 PM
Senior Citizen
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Gulfport, MS
Posts: 3,180
The Elephant in the room.....
Ok, if this subject was agreed upon, NOT to be talked about, I apologize in advance, because I didn't get the memo.... What did everyone think about the "protest", towards the owners last night, at the beginning of the game, and Brees' involvement with it? I mean, I guess it wasn't THAT big of a deal, but the backlash today, from the fans, has been pretty rough. I heard one fan say on the radio this morning, that they are all a bunch of "rich guys, trying to act like they are unionized dock workers. with unemployment reaching the 20 percent mark in this country, it's really sad to see this going on."
I'm a firm believer in getting paid for what you do, and what they do it very dangerous indeed. But not as dangerous as say being a policeman, or in the military, or a fireman. Those guys put their lives on the line everyday, and don't make anywhere NEAR what a bench warming NFL scrub makes. I have a hard time feeling sorry for their prediciment. Maybe someone can explain it better, to where I can understand it better.
What's popular is not always right, and what's right is not always popular.....