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Keyou is Hungry

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; Ahh how refreshing...Creed, Pearl Jam, and Yoda all on one discussion...thats just what i thought we would be talking about on a Saints forum...Almost as refreshing as a nice big snuff. I love Skoal. Anyone wanna talk about smokeless tobacco ...

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Old 04-14-2004, 07:53 PM   #51
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Keyou is Hungry

Ahh how refreshing...Creed, Pearl Jam, and Yoda all on one discussion...thats just what i thought we would be talking about on a Saints forum...Almost as refreshing as a nice big snuff. I love Skoal. Anyone wanna talk about smokeless tobacco cause i wont lose that argument.
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Old 04-14-2004, 07:55 PM   #52
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There you go again Saintfan. What did I do to get lumped in that? Generalize away my friend, I\'m proud to be grouped with Gator.

I\'m also happy to call you a friend. Yeah, a friend. All this cyber crap and people always say, \"you don\'t know me at all.\" I\'ve been talking to you and Pak and BnB and all the other clowns in here every day for two damn years. I know you, and despite our disagreements, I like you.

I\'m sorry if I pissed you off man - but please try not to generalize... unless you do it by using a funny name like the Sunshine Club!!! :P

PS - Brooks sucks and Haslett should be fired.

\"Excuses, excuses, excuses. That’s all anyone ever makes for the New Orleans Saints’ organization.\" - Eric Narcisse

\"Being a Saints fan is almost like being addicted to crack,\"
he said.[i]\"You know you should stop, but you just can\'t.\"
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Old 04-14-2004, 09:39 PM   #53
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As if I\'m supposed to read something from one of the 800,000 obscure forums 08 visits as fact?
Some interesting thoughts can be found in those obscure forums .

Someday someone could quote a poster named Saintfan with an interesting thought , from an obscure sight like BandG . Seems rather improbable too me but it could happen ....

[Edited on 15/4/2004 by saintz08]
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Old 04-15-2004, 11:07 AM   #54
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OK, OK, appears as tho the three musketeers have joined forces yet again, so I\'d like to address Gatorman first. The other two of you will get your chance too.

Gatorman, you said Keyou\'s coming into camp heavy should mean something. On this I believe we agree -- but I\'m trying to say it\'s not an indictment of Haslett since Keyou is a grown man and should be able to motivate himself. It seems we disagree on exactly who\'s to blame. Do you agree or disagree?

I find it interesting that your comment on the whole \"Mickey Mouse\" thing was defended heartily by Whodat, but not you? Ultimately, neither of you ever posted anything to indicate that any player ever said that other than Kyle Turley. Rather than prove your point, you challenged me to go out and find players that didn\'t say it? I\'m guessing you were serious, but I can\'t image how... Gatorman, go find some quotes ok? You typed it. You find the proof. If you\'re gonna say it, then back it up. Don\'t ask me to prove otherwise for you. You said it...YOU defend it...with FACTS. I know players have left this organization because they were upset -- and for various reasons -- but players were leaving this organization (and others) for the same reasons before Haslett took over, and they\'ll continue to do it long after Haz is gone. Other organizations have the same problems, so to insinuate that the Saints are losing players (good players) because they have no faith in Jim\'s ability to coach is, in my opinion, a stretch. Find me ONE coach who didn\'t lose players for reasons OTHER than their on the field performance and I\'ll shut up about it. Until you do, you can expect me to call you on it when you insinuate such things.

OK, now on to Whodat, who said the following in a previous post:
As to the Mickey Mouse argument, it\'s basically not worth arguing with you. Any player who speaks out against the Saints gets shipped off and you contribute their words to the \'disgrunted player\' tag. Kyle Turley spoke out WHILE he was a Saint. Joe Horn spoke out about the organization WHILE on the team. Roaf, Rickey Williams, Glover, Johnson... all spoke out against the organization. They might not have explicitly called the organization \'Mickey Mouse\', but they certainly alluded to bigger problems.
I agree all these players had things to say before they left, but what exactly was it that they said. What bigger problems were they alluding to? I posted the following:
Joe Horn says lots of\'d agree? I seem to recall he apologized too. Rekon why he did that...hmmmmmm ??
Johnson was upset at da Mule was he not? I don\'t think it was Haz. If I\'m wrong, show me I\'m wrong.
What did Glover say? I don\'t recall any quotable quotes from him. Can you find one for me?
Williams? What did he say? I remember his being upset, but then he\'s been a basket case from day one. I do remember that he said some stuff, but I can\'t recall what it was. I seem to think the offense was going in a different direction. The first thing players do when they want out is go public with their \"issues\". See \"TO\" for the model. You don\'t believe everything you read do ya?
So, what about it Whodat. Didn\'t Joe Horn apologize? Wasn\'t Johnson upset over Money or specifically the negotiation process? Williams? Might a change in offensive philosophy have been his area of discontent? Roaf? What do we really know about Roaf\'s reasons for leaving? Do you have any solid proof...and quotes that indicate that any of these players indicated that Haz couldn\'t coach or that the Saints are a Micky Mouse organization? If you\'re gonna come to gator\'s defense then do it. Up to now you\'ve done no more than has he, which basically means more insinuations. Don\'t issue a challenge to ME to prove what YOU said. You prove me wrong.

As far as players developing, I agree that some players haven\'t developed like we all hoped they would. I also think there are some young players on this team that might show you guys something this year. All I can say to that end is time will tell. Whodat, you list all these players that Haz had last year as if they all played every down from start to finish. The fact is they didn\'t. There were injuries you know? Players for the most part take time to develop. Sure, Haz has draftet some guys that haven\'t planned out. Can you find me one coach you CAN\'T say that about? The FACT is that as the year went on and some of these players came back and had some time on the field together the defense played better. The Stats (I know you\'re fond of \'em Whodat) prove that do they not? Might they not impove even more this year...especially barring an injury attack similar to the one the team had to endure at the beginning of the previous season?

Now, finally, on to 08 who says that some interesting thoughts can be found in some of these obscure forums he visits.

Well, 08, I don\'t argue that. I might take issue with the accuracy you try and glean from them tho. You ONLY post other opinions it seems when they agree with yours. It\'s an old ploy I\'ve seen you use time and again. You\'re very subtle, and I give you points for being creative, but I don\'t give \"Ernie the Attorney\" as much weight as you would like for me to. What are his credentials?

Finally, to the three of you...I can\'t recall getting into a debate with any of you where the other two good buddies didn\'t chime in -- and I find that funny. You three quite simply have no hope for this team under Haslett\'s control. That\'s fine. I see your point, however I disagree with each of you in that regard. I\'m not pissed. I\'m not sure why Gator posted that. I\'m not sure why Whodat backed it up, but I have my suspicions. Either way, and as I said earlier, you guys can come with all the cute little nicknames you want, you can call me names all day long if it makes you feel better, but it doesn\'t change the fact that none of you can offer anything more than I can, which is an opinion. I try not to insinuate...I really do. When I see 08\'s conspiracy theories I ask him to prove them. When Whodat trys to use Stats to prove his point I try and counter that with stats of my own, and when Gatorman makes broad assumptions based on nothing more than his opinion/agenda I counter it by asking for proof -- and so far the only response is, \"well, I said it, now you go prove it\'s not true\". To steal a quote from Star Trek II -- \"I am laughing at the superior intellect.\"

Feels like old times eh fellas?

C'mon Man...
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Old 04-15-2004, 12:11 PM   #55
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Are you attempting to define Kyle Turleys \"Mickey Mouse Organization\"????????

Go for Value first
So you think this is a bad idea? I wonder what Bill Parcells would say. hmmmm???

The Mickey Mouse comment has be made by players that went on to other organizations and compared the Saints General Operations to their current team\'s operations.
The flaw in this statement is \"players\"...plural. I know of ONE player...singular. I\'m still waiting on some quotes from other players (good ones).

Even AB spoke out on the lack of professionalism among players.
He was speaking SPECIFICALLY of the youth on the team. He was not speaking of the organizations lack of ability to coach players. I can find the quote if you\'d require it...but be careful, because that quote/artice will disprove your statement.

Which is Look out for yourself, angle for the better deal because your time is NO is numbered if you player better and ask for comparable compensation at the position.
Ummm, OK. Do you think Deuce\'s days in NO are numbered? Brooks? If you\'re speaking of Johnson, we offered him the same money -- he was upset at the negotiating process...same as Law is right now in New England. I guess the Partiots -- according to this logic -- are also a \"Mickey Mouse Organization\" too?

C'mon Man...
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Old 04-15-2004, 12:46 PM   #56
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Keyou is Hungry

I think it should be noted that 1 player (Turley) said this team is a mickey mouse organization.
Another had many bad things to say about the team, but also said he was as good as Randy Moss. I think its safe to ignore this moron\'s comments.

If this current organization was so bad then why...
Why would a 1st class pro and high character guy like Ernie Conwell want to come here instead of stay in St Louis? The money was about the same. He was a teammate of Turley. Maybe he knew Turley was an idiot and discounted his comments about us.

Why would Wayne Gandy, a subperb person and professional come here if it were true?

Why would Terrell Smith say such nice things about the coach and organization AFTER leaving?

Why would Brian Cox, who will speak his mind in a flash, say such nice things about the Saints?

Why would Bryan Young, also a teammate of Turley, be so excited about coming here. Perhaps he also knows Turley\'s an idiot.

Why would Pease, a highly respected and sought after assistant choose to come here?

So basically we have an out of control hot-head and a dilusional back-up CB(and stud WR) as the only two players who have slammed this organization.

Hmmm, I think Mickey is in St Louis and Goofy is in Green Bay.

[Edited on 15/4/2004 by Danno]
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Old 04-15-2004, 01:50 PM   #57
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Keyou is Hungry

Hmmm, I think Mickey is in St Louis and Goofy is in Green Bay.

Hmmmm, well I think that Huey, Dewey and Louie started for us at linebacker last year.
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Old 04-15-2004, 02:06 PM   #58
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Keyou is Hungry

You guys are proving my point with the whole Tom Benson is cheap ! :exclam:
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Old 04-15-2004, 02:40 PM   #59
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Keyou is Hungry

You guys are proving my point with the whole Tom Benson is cheap ! :exclam:
Gandy-Big contract, some say we overpaid
Brooks-Big contract, some say we overpaid
Horn-Big contract extension, some say we overpaid
Sullivan-Big contract, Huge signing bonus, some say we overpaid
Tebucky Jones-Big contract, Big Bonus, all say we overpaid
Conwell-Big contract
Sloan-Big contract, in hindsight, we overpaid
Thomas-Big contract (actually a bargain compared to other FA CB’s)
Haslet-Big contract extension, along with his assistants.
Howard-Big contract inevitable due to franchising
Pathon-Big contract, some say we overpaid for a #2WR
Lawyer Milloy-We wanted to match Buffalo’s Big contract
Kyle Turley-Offered Big contract, signed w/ St Louis for about the same.

2003-Highest salary team in the NFL
2002-Upper 1/3
2001-middle of pack

If I hear Benson is cheap one more time I’m gonna vomit my spleen.
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Old 04-15-2004, 02:48 PM   #60
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Keyou is Hungry

You guys are proving my point with the whole Tom Benson is cheap !
Pearl Jam cheap or Creed cheap?
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