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saintsfan1976 06-28-2020 08:29 PM

Re: Survey: Are you going to watch the Saints this season?
I'm watching!

Danno 06-28-2020 10:10 PM

Re: Survey: Are you going to watch the Saints this season?
If they stand, yes
If they kneel, so long my e-brothers and sisters. Won’t ever be watching

rezburna 06-28-2020 10:42 PM

Re: Survey: Are you going to watch the Saints this season?
I can’t wait.

skymike 06-29-2020 02:13 AM

Re: Survey: Are you going to watch the Saints this season?

Originally Posted by Danno (Post 891485)
If they stand, yes
If they kneel, so long my e-brothers and sisters. Won’t ever be watching


Originally Posted by iceshack149 (Post 891249)
You're trying to make this a simple black or white discussion by forcing me to paint myself into a corner.

Simply put, I'm turned off by the league. But to definitively say that I'm done with football is an overstatement. So far.

I dont know, Guido. There's something b*llsh*tty about the crux of your post here. So you're making a list of posters who are put off by the player's BS enough to say "enough," and then you'll be, what? shaming them, if they watch a highlight
afterwards? For who for what? We're all free agents here. Football is not God. I've been more worshipful and devout to Football. That should tell you something.

If you need to believe Im a lone wolf, you should. You must have lost your mind, when they told you about Santa.

Originally Posted by burningmetal (Post 891415)
I won't be watching any NFL games this season.....But I'm curious. Why does this matter to you, 'Guido? Are you the official blackandgold hall monitor?

I still like you, Guido, really. I've gotten great vibes, and I know you're real. Burningmetals a long haired hippy, who probably still thinks Pink Floyd is brilliant. But he raises a good question. Its all good. We're all growing here.

Originally Posted by jlouhill (Post 891426)
Well I’m one of those who “lurks” on here gaining insight and knowledge about my Saints. This is the most civil, most of the time, and knowledgeable board I have ever been a member of.

It still is, as this board is populated with a larger number of grownups. Always worth your time to read, and comment.

Guido, this is not a bus, and you're not driving. If people want to get on, or get off, or stick a feather up their butt and call it macaroni, bobby brown says its their provocative. But I'm glad you aksed.

I really dont know what kind of core sample you'll get here for your research.

But you see, I'm not scared. Football WAS my religion, and the only color I ever cared was the jersey. But when I found out the true colors of the players, and their hostages, like Brees, I guess I saw the clay feet of my idols. Something has called me away.

I lived without football an entire season, when Kapersh*t did his ignorance a couple years ago, and I had a great time without it. Its not like the NFL is that watchable anymore.

I'm prepared to do so again. But, yes, I can qualify that. Its my right to get off or on your bus at Will. So here goes:

IF the players stand for the National Anthem with their hands over their hearts AND SING THE ANTHEM acapella for the stadium. AND if they make a very large donation to organizations which support the families of fallen police officers, AND they publicly apologize to the Police (the ones in blue, not Stewart, Andy & Sting), for slandering them, AND the NFLPA goes on record to recommend the resitting of the statues of Robert E. Lee and the flag of Mississippi, and also state that the Confederate Battle Flag is an acceptable historic display in public places, and that Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben are respected and acceptable trademarks, which should be re-instated, and that no one in this freakin country owes anyone anything, except the right to go out and work and succeed, , ,

then, count me to come back Marching In That Number, dressed as the insane, ridiculous fan, many people on this board remember me as, and I'll be, again, just a small part of that home field advantage, and I'll Live and Die Saints, and I'll organize tailgates, and roadies, and boils, and Saints gear will be my second skin, and I'll invite everyone in town to watch all the games as a party, and I'll again hire a freakin JAZZ BAND (all of whom happen to be black), out of my own pocket, in order to inspire the whole town to join our awesome party.

Otherwise my answer is (and you can send a private investigator to monitor)
NO. I will not be watching the Saints or any NFL game, and probably not any sport, outside of Rodeo.

There really are a lot of fun things to do on a beautiful Fall Day. I can send you a brochure. I live on a ranch, for starters.

As of now, I am not an NFL Fan, nor am I a Saints Fan.

TheOak 06-29-2020 05:11 AM

Re: Survey: Are you going to watch the Saints this season?
I have a joke

A Narcissist and an APD (Anankastic) log into a forum..

AsylumGuido 06-29-2020 06:36 AM

Re: Survey: Are you going to watch the Saints this season?

Originally Posted by WillMacKenzie (Post 891471)
I can only imagine the progress Earth could achieve if only you'd apply your intellectual and highly scientific methods to the basic problems of mankind.

As a former know-it-all myself, I realize what a great annoyance I can be to someone who actually does know it all.

But if we wanted to be intellectually honest, we would not create an informal survey on a Saints super-fan site asking a small handful of invested posters who have dedicated themselves 24/7, years on end (even before your time sir), to painstakingly chronicle every aspect of being a Saints fan...if they would not watch the Saints this year.

There could be a little bias there, but even so, let's give the devil his due.

What I have the most trouble with is the changing motivations and rationale behind the points that you are only trying to prove to yourself.

1. A relief from what, and an escape into what? Terrible traffic...bad hair day? OR maybe the escalating chaos around us that the NFL seems intent on dragging into its broadcasts? Not my idea of tranquil, but I'll give the devil his due. It's entertainment, nothing more, nothing less -- except that it isn't. Goodell has turned your beloved NFL into a repository for human interest stories. I don't care that Joe had 3 car accidents and ate beanie weenies throughout childhood and still became an inspirational figure...I just want football, honest football.

We get around 11 minutes of actual football action...the rest is made up of commercials, penalties, and replays. An escape into 2hrs 50mins of commercials, and penalties. You spend an entire year waiting for the playoffs, and it ends with the NFL saying "we missed that penalty"? Integrity MATTERS. Out of all the ticky tack penalties, you miss THAT? Trust MATTERS.

2. You let stuff roll off your back. This isn't true, and that's ok, I'm sensitive too.

3. "nor the viewing pleasure of all the rest of the fans" I not a fan? How are you quantifying "all the rest of em'"? Are you positive you're not applying your own assumptions? It doesn't take a majority of anything to affect the bottom line of anything.

Why do customer service departments exist? Surely, the majority of customers don't complain or return what they buy, do they? It takes an average of 10 repeat good experiences for a customer to return to a previous level of trust after a bad experience with a business, if ever. Even observing plainly that a couple people kneeling on the sideline affected the entire league.

Young people may or may not be replacing an aging demographic, why do you think they're trying to go international and cater to women? To make up for lost demographics. That's a problem. Ask Greece what low birthrate does to an economy. Younger people aren't replacing the aging and retiring work force, so basically pensions are slashed and over 10% of the population lives BELOW poverty level with a total income loss of 70%. Not exactly apples to apples, but decreasing young audience has implications for the future.

Sure, I know this all looks like idealistic ranting, but principle still matters to me, and a little pain now is worth a better future. Of course, I didn't invent football, I don't own it, and have no real claim to demand it to change if it doesn't want to. That's fine too I guess. I gotta go cut grass

Go cut grass. It will have just as much affect on the bottom lines of the NFL as your not watching.


It's strange but I don't see or read any of that into an NFL game when I watch.

AsylumGuido 06-29-2020 07:16 AM

Re: Survey: Are you going to watch the Saints this season?
I see some are missing my point entirely. The purpose of this survey is not questioning the reasoning behind a few people's personal decision to stop watching the NFL. Not at all. Go for it. The purpose was a response to a couple that claimed that their abstaining would lead to a revenue hit that would hurt the NFL. This survey in a small way demonstrates the tiny percentage of fleeing fans overall.

I am truly happy for your happiness if that's what you get from not watching. Good for you. Just understand, that in the end, your not watching affects no one but you and yours. That is the point I am making. If you no longer get any enjoyment out of the game, then by all means. Stop watching. Good decision. If politics and stuff in and around the game upsets you, then for your health and happiness you need to stop watching. But if it is solely meant to punish the NFL, then you are not going to accomplish your goal.

Throwing the baby out with the wash water.

TheOak 06-29-2020 09:15 AM

Re: Survey: Are you going to watch the Saints this season?

Originally Posted by AsylumGuido (Post 891516)
I see some are missing my point entirely. The purpose of this survey is not questioning the reasoning behind a few people's personal decision to stop watching the NFL. Not at all. Go for it. The purpose was a response to a couple that claimed that their abstaining would lead to a revenue hit that would hurt the NFL. This survey in a small way demonstrates the tiny percentage of fleeing fans overall.

I am truly happy for your happiness if that's what you get from not watching. Good for you. Just understand, that in the end, your not watching affects no one but you and yours. That is the point I am making. If you no longer get any enjoyment out of the game, then by all means. Stop watching. Good decision. If politics and stuff in and around the game upsets you, then for your health and happiness you need to stop watching. But if it is solely meant to punish the NFL, then you are not going to accomplish your goal.

Throwing the baby out with the wash water.

It might have been less painful to just breakdown the NFL's revenue by source. Once you do that the game watching impact is realized.

You might also want to point out that denying the NFL revenue by not watching your team only hurts the team and local economy. The teams make the revenue and kick up to corporate, the NFL is structured that way intentionally which is also why the NFL Corporate doesn't pay taxes, they have very little room for profit other than tickets to visit the Hall of Fame.

If that all fails you are beating your head against a brick wall. However, should you wish to continue, you might want to point out that NFL game viewing is not a webpage and they do not get paid by the click. Those contracts and payments have been worked out and will be paid out. Not watching the Saints on Sunday between 12:00-3:00 only affords a person time to spend quality time with their children and wives.:beatnik:

Budsdrinker 06-29-2020 09:32 AM

Re: Survey: Are you going to watch the Saints this season?
I'll be watching but there will be revenue decline on my part. One, I've already got rid of the Sunday ticket and directv so that's a decline. Second, I'm one of the season ticket holders that sit in the first 8 rows that haven't been in full contact with a ticket rep to discuss my options. Only received an email so I don't know what their plans are for me. As of right now, I'm leaning towards crediting this years ticket cost to next year so that's easy $350 per game decline in revenue I spend to attend the games. Also figured not going to games this year will allow these whiny ******* to get the kneeling during the anthem out their system.

73Saint 06-29-2020 10:11 AM

Re: Survey: Are you going to watch the Saints this season?
I'll be watching every bit. Still entertainment to me.

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