04-02-2023, 05:27 PM
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Re: Derek Carr is going to shock the world
Originally Posted by hitta
I've seen many people talk about how this guy isn't top-level talent. I don't think people realize what a death sentence the raiders are for QBs. Yet, somehow, this guy still performed. When I watch this guy, he checks all the boxes for me. I think he's a lot better than people think he is and will be one of the top QBs in the league this year. He's Drew Brees 2.0.
I feel exactly the same hitta. Now Saints need to get the Oline squared away, our weapons need to be available and the defense doing what the do best hold our opponents to 24 points or less.
That said and it comes to pass there we’ll be a lot of recalibration by Talking Heads but I’m sure they will explain to all of us how they were calling his resurgence as a top tier NFL QB all along we just missed it. 🤣 These guys like to go straight to pinnacle top opinions, great or not worthy no middle ground.