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Who is the new BnG dealer?

this is a discussion within the Saints Community Forum; You mean a team with one playoff victory? It can also be argued that AB is the best QB we have ever had(not in my mind though). Is that something to be proud of FOR THIS TEAM? If we are ...

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Old 03-18-2005, 01:01 PM   #81
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Who is the new BnG dealer?

You mean a team with one playoff victory? It can also be argued that AB is the best QB we have ever had(not in my mind though). Is that something to be proud of FOR THIS TEAM? If we are talking LBs, well, we do have a history there. But offensively, that list is SHORT. Hell, it can be argued Deuce is the best RB we ever had(I think he is). Not saying much. Sorry yasoon.
What\'s your point? Horn has something to do with this team\'s history? That\'s not my argument, my arrgument is that people are selling Joe short in the current hiearchy of WRs. Joe\'s achievements should be overlooked since he\'s not playing for a team with a rich history of WR talent? That\'s a peripheral argument and you picked one thing out of all that to point out. Makes no sense.

I mean....am I going to argue that this team has a history of WR greats? no. I was just saying that he has made quite a splash here for this team.

What does Duece or AB have to do with this topic? They may or may not be the best, but that\'s not what I\'m talking about.

\"Sorry yasoon\"

For what? Did you prove something I said to be wrong? No.

Is it something to be proud of for this team? Uhhhh...yes. It\'s my favorite NFL team, so after growing up watching them and spending all this time rooting for them, I can recognize when I see one of our best ever CAN\'T I ?
No, I can\'t hold the Saints to the standards of a Cowboy alltimer or a Packers all timer or a Niners all timer......but those aren\'t the teams I root for. You deal in the reality of your team.

So, your point is what? Joe is our best WR ever, but that\'s not saying much so who cares. That\'s not a point.

By your statement, Tom Brady is the best QB in New England history, but that doesn\'t matter since he\'s competing with an early Jim Plunkett and Tony Eason. So, therefore, who cares that he\'s the best they\'ve had...they don\'t have a rich history at QB.

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Old 03-18-2005, 01:12 PM   #82
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Who is the new BnG dealer?

Makes Harrison even more valuable. Number 3, should they lose Edge, Harrison becomes even MORE valuable. If they had lost Harrison, Wayne and Stokely wouldn\'t seem as dangerous, they prob don\'t make the playoffs.

I think whodat was saying that having better #2 and # 3 options makes your #1 more dangerous. You turned it around. That\'s a decent point....right? I got it.

The idea that the colts may not make the playoffs without Harrison is very cute. Take that to NFL Primetime and get laughed off the podium by everybody who gets paid to cover the NFL.

I mean that offense even makes the fullback look like a receiving threat. Marvin IS a hall of famer, but I think he has benefitted as much from the system as the system has benefitted from him.
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Old 03-18-2005, 02:30 PM   #83
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Who is the new BnG dealer?

The best you got is insults yasoon. Then let me bow to your ignorance. It is mighty and vast.

You threw the Joe is the best receiver we ever had crap out there. I put Deuce and AB in there to show in the context of OUR TEAM, that means very little. You didn\'t have to tell me the only team you care or know about in the NFL is the Saints, it shows. No need to state the obvious. The point wasn\'t to prove you wrong, the point was that statement can be said about several people who have done nothing special in the scope of the NFL, ya know the LEAGUE the Saints play in. So if you base player greateness and ability just on measures of OUR TEAM, you will fall woefully short in the LARGER SCHEME. But like I said, I got the drift of your knowledge pretty quickly.

Tom Brady probably is the best QB New England ever had, outside a young Drew Bledsoe. What\'s your point? that you know nothing about anyone except the Saints? Like I said, I got that one already.

I think whodat was saying that having better #2 and # 3 options makes your #1 more dangerous. You turned it around. That\'s a decent point....right? I got it.
Are you serious? That wasn\'t until THIS YEAR that Wayne and Stokley exploded like they did. Wayne was called an underachiever until this year, and it was ALL Harrison before that. So since Harrison, who set an NFL record with 143 catches a season or two ago was there and doing great BEFORE Wayne and Stokley emerged, how is that a valid point? Serious? Why butt in if you don\'t know what you are talking about?Wayne has had seasons of 27, 49, 68, and then 77 catches last year. Never 1000 yards before LAST YEAR. Harrison has been with the Colts for NINE YEARS. I guess Wayne was making Harrison better before he even got to be a Colt huh? OR are you saying the Colts number two and three receivers have always been as good as last year. If so, name them, that shouldn\'t be hard. Pathon did okay there, then he got hurt.

Stokley just got there 2 years ago, played in 6 games, started 3, and had a whopping 22 catches. Seems like that helped Harrison a great deal. Thanks again for adding nothing. :casstet:
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Old 03-18-2005, 02:30 PM   #84
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Is this a serious question? I am looking for some kind of hint this question is not real. Do I think Harrison will outperform Joe in the next 3 years? Hell yeah. I check the inury reports weekly during the season, I hardly if ever see Marvin\'s name. Joe is on there EVERY WEEK, so healthwise, Marvin has already got him beat. Second, I don\'t know if they have enough $$$ to keep Wayne. Makes Harrison even more valuable. Number 3, should they lose Edge, Harrison becomes even MORE valuable. If they had lost Harrison, Wayne and Stokely wouldn\'t seem as dangerous, they prob don\'t make the playoffs. We lose Joe, well, we continue to not make the playoffs. Paying him and keeping him changes things how?
Good argument. The team isn\'t good therefore Joe Horn isn\'t either. Why keep Deuce? He wasn\'t even on the team when we made the playoffs.

I\'ll bet you on Harrison vs. Horn. Baring major injury that keeps either out of a series of games, I\'ll bet you Joe Horn will out-perform Harrison over the next 3 seasons. By out-perform I mean he will put up better numbers on the field. Likewise, he\'ll do it for less money. Wanna bet?
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Old 03-18-2005, 02:36 PM   #85
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Wait, why are we barring serious injury Who? Joe\'s injury report got you worried? They\'re the same age right? That\'s your point right? If either gets injured the other wins whatever this bet is for, since that\'s all you got. Do you seriously wanna bet an above average receiver will do as well as an almost certain hall of famer? I\'ll take that anyday. Trip to a Saints game? What? What\'s your poison? Whatever it is, I am in. And bring some of what you are smoking too.

What numbers are we talking about also? If Harrison catches 100 balls and has 11 yards, but Joe catches 90 balls and has 1150 yards, which stat is better? Harrison had 15 Tds last year WITH Stokley and Wayne blowing up, surely you don\'t wanna bet on TDs? What\'s the criteria? Set it off big guy.
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Old 03-18-2005, 02:50 PM   #86
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Criteria is the same used by the NFL to rank WRs.

The reason for barring injury has nothing to do with Joe Horn\'s history. You\'re right, Horn\'s name is on it every week. And every week last season he limped onto the field and outperformed Marvin Harrison...

The reason you bar major injury is b/c it\'s the NFL Whodi. A guy can have a career-ending injury on any play in the NFL - whether he\'s 22 or 42.

Good so we\'re on.
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Old 03-18-2005, 03:01 PM   #87
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So we consider an injury a fluke occurence no? SO since it is fluke, and neither has had a serious injury to this point in their careers, the bet is on(whatever it may be) but we are not barring serious injury. Serious injury is automatic victory for the other person. Also, considering Harrison is fighting for balls with Stokley, Wayne, and Clark, a potential serious injury to Joe levels the playing field. But you wanna give him big money(not top 5 but big) so you were already assuming he wouldn\'t get hurt AND he would put up the same numbers so it should be a non-issue.

SO ante up, what\'s the bet? All of B&G is a witness.

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Old 03-18-2005, 03:12 PM   #88
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Who is the new BnG dealer?

I\'ll make one statement here. Last season, without Joe Horn - we would not have wonn three games all year.

What is that worth? I\'m not sure. I\'m just saying a record improvement from 2-14 to 8-8 is a measure of his impact to our offense. Just my opinion.

EDITED because I confused myself.

[Edited on 18/3/2005 by FrenzyFan]
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Old 03-18-2005, 03:15 PM   #89
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Who is the new BnG dealer?

Okay Frenzy, that went right over my head. Didn\'t Joe play all 16 last season? :shrug:
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Old 03-18-2005, 03:20 PM   #90
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Who is the new BnG dealer?

Sorry, went over mine as well when I re-read it.
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